
Grandma’s Mistake: The Danger of Feeding Raw Eggs to Children

Grandma collapses. The little girl, only 4 years old, has stomach cancer. The real cause is what her nephew eats every day. The doctor holds his head and warns about the food that every house has!

According to reports, it turned out that Ms. Wong (nam Samumit), a woman in China Is a conservative and often believes in folk remedies, heard. “Tip” to help children He eats well and grows quickly. eating “raw eggs” Helps boost immunity So I decided to feed raw eggs to my 4 year old nephew every day. Hoping that he would grow up to be tall and strong.

However, soon after, the boy felt sick to his stomach, lost his appetite and became very thin. Ms Wong became worried and rushed her nephew to hospital. After being discovered to be “Stomach cancer” At first the doctors even shook their heads and warned. “Grandma, raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria. which is dangerous for your health…” The illness that struck her grandson made Mrs. Wong very sad. She never thought that what she thought was good for her nephew would end up hurting him.

Are raw eggs really good for your health?

This is completely false. First of all, the nutritional value of raw eggs is much lower than that of cooked eggs. The protein structure of raw eggs is solid and difficult for the human body to digest. But once cooked, the protein structure becomes softer and easier to absorb.

Secondly, the risk of food poisoning from consuming raw eggs is very high. Due to salmonella which are pathogenic bacteria commonly found in raw eggs Once infected, serious food poisoning can occur. Especially in young children

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