
Groundbreaking Discovery of SLRSV and SCV Viruses in Royal Strawberry 80 Variety in Thailand

Research Group, Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd. the virus was discovered Strawberry Lant Ringspot Virus (SLRSV) and Strawberry Crinkle Virus (SCV) in strawberries of the royal variety 80 Causes of leaf spot disease and wrinkled leaves in three peasant cultivation areas, namely Ban Nong Tao, Ban Khop Dong, Mon Pin Subdistrict and Ban Mae Ngon Khilek, Mae Ngon Subdistrict, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province . It is the first discovery in Thailand.

Royal Prepared Food Factory No. 1 (Fang), Chiang Mai province

Mr. Niwat Khantho The head of agricultural innovation said: “This discovery Due to the fact that the company Collaborates with the Department of Agricultural Sciences Mahidol University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture Chiang Mai University Study and development of strawberry varieties at the company’s Plant Research Laboratory (LAB), which found problems with leaf spots, curling and stunting in strawberries. 80 varieties donated by the royals which are important growth factors and production volume which affects the market value. SLRSV and SCV viruses were detected: something that no one has ever found in this type of plants”.

Plant Research Laboratory (LAB), Royal Prepared Food Factory No. 1 (Fang), Chiang Mai province

The Plant Research Laboratory (LAB) is located in the Royal Instant Food Factory No. 1 (Fang), in Chiang Mai province. For use in studies, research and development of economic plant species. Obtain strong, disease-free plant varieties to use as breeding plants for the project farmers. and people interested in commercial use Bring benefits to the Thai agricultural sector

Mr. Pipaphong Israsena Na Ayutthaya, President

Doi Kham Research Group began studying SLRSV and SCV virus samples from 2018 to 2021 because the virus affected farmers in the area of ​​Royal Factory No. 1 (Fang), Chiang Mai province, causing high strawberry production. and product quality decreased In 2021, farmers in the company’s promotion system The production of only 27.23 tons of fresh strawberries per cultivated area at 45 rai dropped from 2018 to 13.98 tons (41.21 tons per cultivated area at 45 rai).

Mr. Niwat Khantho, Agricultural Innovation Manager

From the detection of viruses in 80 real strawberry plants from farmers’ plots in Ban Nong Tao. and Ban Khop Dong, Mon Pin Subdistrict, and Ban Mae Ngon Khilek, Mae Ngon Subdistrict, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province, for a total of 175 samples using RT – PCR techniques and nucleotide sequence analysis. Confirm destruction It is caused by two types of viruses: the Strawberry Laten Ringspot Virus (SLRSV) and the Strawberry Crinkle Virus (SCV). Most leaf samples showed no symptoms of the disease. and found joint destruction of both viruses in leaf samples showing disease symptoms. Virus detection using this method is highly accurate and suitable for random virus testing in strawberries grown in large areas. To prevent the spread of the disease Reduce damage in quantity and quality of the Royal Strawberry 80 variety produced

This discovery Bring benefits to strawberry growers Be able to choose disease-free plant stems from plant stem screening at the Plant Research Laboratory (LAB), creating standards to increase product quality. and the quantity per rai has also increased according to Doi Kham standards.

With this research accepted and published in agricultural journals Academic Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Chiang Mai University, 40th edition (number 1), January-April 2024, topic: “Detection of the virus causing leaf spot disease” and wrinkled leaves in 80 varieties of Royal Strawberry grown in Fang District, Chiang Mai Province.” This journal has been accepted by the Thai Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) at level 1, considered accepted by academics in Thailand and ASEAN

increasing the amount of plant tissue Doi Kham Research Group Checking the health of strawberry seedlings Test for sedimentation of genetic material DNARNA Check the concentration of genetic material.

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