
Hamas Ready to Release Hostages if Airstrikes on Gaza Stop, Says Iran

Iran has announced that Hamas is prepared to release all 199 hostages currently being held by Israel if the airstrikes in the Gaza Strip cease. Nasser Kanani, Iran’s Foreign Affairs Spokesman, made this revelation during a press conference in Tehran. As a staunch supporter of Hamas in its fight against Israel, Iran’s statement carries significant weight. However, Hamas has not yet confirmed Iran’s claim regarding the release of the hostages.

According to Nasser Kanani, “Hamas was willing to consider the release of the captured hostages. However, given the widespread bombing by the Zionists in various parts of Gaza, such considerations seemed impossible.”

In the meantime, Hamas has reiterated its position several times, stating that it is willing to release the hostages if Israel reciprocates by releasing the thousands of Palestinian citizens it currently holds. Iran also hinted that Hamas is prepared to continue its resistance if Israel persists in its aggression. Furthermore, Iran asserted that Hamas possesses both the military capabilities and weaponry necessary to defend against Israel in the long run.

In recent developments, Hamas has claimed responsibility for launching missile attacks on both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The group justified these attacks as a response to Israel’s indiscriminate targeting of Palestinian civilians.

Concurrently, various nations, including the United States, are actively attempting to de-escalate tensions in the region. US Interior Secretary, Anthony Blinken, who was present in Israel during the conflict, has delayed his return to the United States. Reports indicate that he will instead be traveling to Amman, the capital of Jordan. This change in Blinken’s itinerary is viewed as part of ongoing negotiations aimed at resolving the crisis.

English Summary:
Iran asserts that Hamas is willing to release hostages in exchange for Israel halting airstrikes on Gaza. The announcement came during a press conference in Tehran, where Iran – a strong supporter of Hamas – made its position known. However, Hamas has yet to confirm this offer to release the hostages.

TEHRAN: Iran has revealed that Hamas is ready to release all 199 hostages held by Israel if the airstrikes on the Gaza Strip stop. Iran’s Foreign Affairs Spokesman, Nasser Kanani, said this at a press conference held in Tehran. Iran is a country that fully supports Hamas in its fight against Israel. Meanwhile, Hamas has yet to confirm Iran’s revelation that it is ready to release the hostages.

“Hamas was ready to release those captured and held hostage by Israel. But their point of view was that it was not even possible to think about it when the Zionists were dropping bombs widely in different parts of Gaza” – explained Nasser Kanani.

At the same time, Hamas has stated many times that it is ready to release the hostages if the thousands of Palestinian citizens who are being held by Israel are released as in the past. Iran also suggested that Hamas is ready to continue its resistance if Israel wants to continue fighting. Iran has also indicated that Hamas has the military and weapons to defend Israel in the long term.

Meanwhile, Hamas claimed to have launched a missile attack on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem today. Hamas said this missile attack was a response to the attacks carried out by Israel against civilians in Palestine.

At the same time, countries including the United States continue to try to ease tensions in the region. US Interior Secretary Anthony Blinken, who was in Israel during the conflict, delayed his return to the US on Monday night, officials revealed. The new information is that he will go to Amman, the capital of Jordan. It is noted that the change in Blinken’s visit is part of the negotiations to resolve the issue.

English Summary:

Iran claims that Hamas is willing to release hostages if Israel ends airstrikes on Gaza

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