
“Hatha yoga” on the menu of an exercise in Lomé – LA PREMIERE AGENCY DE PRESSE PRIVATE AU TOGO

Part of the hatha yoga session

The whole world celebrated on Wednesday, the 9th International Day of Yoga, a holiday marked by a “hatha yoga” exercise at the beach of the Rivièra Ramatou Hotel in Lomé, an initiative of the Indian Embassy in Togo.

Were present, representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Culture and Higher Education.

This exercise session was organized in association with local yoga schools and the Indian Diaspora with the participation of around 125 yoga enthusiasts from all walks of life.

The UN General Assembly adopted on December 10, 2014 – on the initiative of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi – a resolution inviting to celebrate the day of yoga, and thus allow to “promote the benefits of the practice of yoga “.

Part of the hatha yoga session..

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit and means to join or unify, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. It is practiced in various forms around the world, and its popularity continues to grow.

And it is one of the sectors of this discipline, which was on the menu for this Wednesday’s exercise: “hatha yoga”.

Hatha yoga is a traditional yoga practice. It is undoubtedly the most zen and gentle way to practice this ideal sport for well-being.

“It is physical yoga which includes disciplines such as physical postures, controlled breathing and relaxation and mental concentration exercise”, explained Romuald Yomo (Yoga Teacher) who led the session.

According to him, “the benefits of practicing yoga are incalculable. We maintain our natural health (both physical and mental) and we push back old age”.

“Anyone can practice yoga, regardless of gender (male and female) or age,” said Mr. Yomo.

According to many specialists, yoga encourages self-acceptance, self-love and spiritual development, which helps people better understand who they are: a journey of self-discovery, the development of consciousness of oneself and balance are thus achieved.

“Yoga is a cultural tradition of India. The ancients who developed this tradition defined it as the union between Man and nature. But this discipline, once accepted by the United Nations, has become a world heritage. Our mission is to promote it,” said Mr. Sanjiv Tandon (Indian Ambassador to Togo).

The Indian diplomat especially thanked the government for its support in holding the festivities for the celebration of this international day of yoga. FIN

Junior AUREL