
HDC Hyeonsan, Choi Ik-hoon and Kim Hoe-eon respectively appointed new representatives – Paxnet News

[팍스넷뉴스 김호연 기자] HDC Hyundai Development Company held an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on the same day and announced on the 19th that Vice President Choi Ik-hoon and Business Planning Division Director Kim Hoe-eon were appointed as CEOs respectively.

CEO Ik-Hoon Choi has experience in creating a number of new business models in major affiliates within the group, including HDC Hyundai Development Company and HDC Labs. It is expected to contribute to redefining the company’s crisis response capabilities, improving performance and providing a sustainable growth engine.

As an expert in finance and accounting, CEO Kim Hoe-eon worked as the head of the finance team at HDC Hyeonsan, and as a professional manager of HDC Shilla Duty Free and HDC I’Park Mall. He received high praise for securing financial stability even in a crisis environment such as Corona and enhancing the crisis response capabilities of affiliates.

HDC Hyeonsan will continue the three-person representative system: Choi Ik-hoon (CEO), Kim Hoe-eon (CFO), and Jeong Ik-hee (CSO). Ik-Hee Jeong, CEO and Chief Safety Officer (CSO), was newly appointed in March.

HDC Hyeonsan said, “This personnel appointment is part of management innovation, such as strengthening the stability and crisis response capabilities of the company’s business, while at the same time establishing an ESG management system.” There is a will to do it,” he said.

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