
“Health Net” pressure is about to explode?Nutritionists strongly recommend 4 types of ingredients: get rid of bad emotions-Free Health Network

The nutritionist said that when you are in a bad mood, it is easy to affect your work, rest and sleep, and your skin condition will not be very good. At this time, you can supplement purple food, which is rich in anthocyanins, which can make skin blood vessels healthy and elastic. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many people feel irritable due to the sweltering weather, or are burned at home and work, causing emotional loss and overwhelming stress. In this regard, dietitian Liu Yili pointed out on the Facebook page “Liu Yili Nutritionist” that after a long period of time, be careful, it may cause overeating, unbalanced dieting, chronic inflammation of the body, etc. It is recommended to choose some stress-relieving foods to relax emotions. Drink water and eat more foods high in potassium, anthocyanins, dopamine, etc.

●Drink water:Moisture can help metabolism. When the body is under high pressure or irritability, it is easy to produce free radicals. These free radicals can cause chronic inflammation in the body, so enough water is an essential nutrient for the body to resist stress and inflammation. When you are upset and irritable, Have a glass of cold boiled water, drink slowly one sip, you will feel the release of body pressure.

●High potassium:When stress rises, blood pressure tends to rise accordingly. In addition to reducing high-salt foods, it is recommended to supplement foods high in potassium to help salt metabolism and relax blood vessels. Ingredients such as mushrooms, water spinach, burdock, leeks, bananas, and cantaloupes wait

●Anthocyanins:When you are in a bad mood, it is easy to affect your work, rest and sleep, and your skin condition will not be very good. At this time, you can supplement purple food, which is rich in anthocyanins, which can make skin blood vessels healthy and elastic. Ingredients such as blueberries, eggplants, mulberries, grapes , purple sweet potato, black rice, black beans.

●Dopamine:It is a neurotransmitter of the brain. When dopamine is insufficient, it will cause fatigue, depression, decreased concentration, loss of satisfaction, and seriously affect sleep. You can eat more foods with high tyrosine content to synthesize dopamine smoothly. Ingredients such as bananas, chicken breast, salmon, tofu, pumpkin seeds, milk.

Liu Yili reminded that in addition to choosing the right food, you can also match it with small things that make you relax, such as essential oils, fragrances, etc., and even change your home furnishings, wear bright and comfortable clothes, stretch, sit quietly, and listen to music. It can make you feel soothed and get through this irritable weather smoothly.

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