
Heartbreaking Dog Poisoning Incident: Justice Sought for 14 Beloved Pets, Only 2 Survived

Heartbroken owner of 14 pet dogs poisoned Only helped 2 lives quickly. He said he didn’t want to offend anyone. But I wonder why We don’t speak well.

March 10, 2024 from the Watchdog Thailand Foundation Facebook page case – WDT posted a photo with the caption: # A dog brutally poisoned, struggling and dying, 12 people suffering, 2 survived, Nikhom Phatthana police station, Rayong province

The owner of the farm is extremely cruel and ruthless. Preventing dogs from entering the farm By poisoning the dogs to a brutal and painful death, up to 14 people survived, 2 lives were spared. The owner was extremely sad, but two lives were saved, while two neighbors in the area were also affected.

He won… every time the cassava tree fell because a dog got into it. I will always pay the damages. It shouldn’t be possible to poison a dog in such a brutal way.

In this case there is a witness, a gardener who witnessed the accident. So he knew that it was the owner of the farm who had done it. The dog’s owner filed a complaint with WDT, fearing the case would not proceed. Because the owner of the farm has a son-in-law who is a policeman!

The WDT coordinates with the superintendent of Nikhom Phatthana police station to help supervise the case. #Because no one has more power than the law. Animal cruelty cases are state cases and national criminal cases. unable to compromise and the State must prosecute to the end Dogs owned by their owners can claim compensation for property damage.

In this case the owner discovered that all the dogs in his area were dead, this means exactly that #There was also an invasion and poisoning of the dog. Another trespassing charge needs to be reported!

The dog causes problems or destroys things. Notify the owner to request compensation for damages. It’s a civil matter. Don’t brutally kill the dog by poisoning it or doing anything that causes it to die in agony. Follow the results of this brutal dog murder case.

Regarding the matter, on March 9, 2024, reporters went to the accident site. This is a 40 rai durian orchard with a barbed wire fence around the orchard. Two dogs were found running and playing inside the orchard named “Bob”, a 4-month-old Thai breed dog, and “Boonrod”, a 2-year-old Thai breed dog and the owner of the orchard, Mr Somchit Phalaphon, 67, the owner of the dog, together with Mr Veera Bunchob, 64, who witnessed the accident.

Mr. Veera said the incident occurred on March 6 around 5 pm, when the orchard owner had returned home. While he was busy working in the garden, he saw a pickup truck. The bronze-colored Toyota Vigo parked near the teak tree in front of the garden.

Then all 14 dogs ran away. She called the dog back. Until a few minutes passed. When the dog came running back, he was foaming at the mouth, his legs were shaking, he was writhing on the ground and his stools were broken, he had to immediately call the owner of the garden to come back and take the dog to the veterinarian . But only 2 of 14 survived.

Mr Somjit, the owner of the garden, said he did not want to incriminate or suspect anyone, the responsibility lies with the police. These dogs were raised with great love by him and his family. When your dog is sick always take him to the vet, no matter how minor or mild the pain.

When I met someone who had done this, I was speechless, my chest hurt, I wanted to ask who had done this and why he had poisoned his dog. We can talk about anything. She raises dogs in a place around which she has a fence. If your dog is causing trouble for someone, he thought we should come and talk. Because the dog knows nothing. Therefore, the evidence was reported to Nikhom Phatthana Police Station.

Mr Somchit also added that In addition to his dog, there were two other houses in the same area. In total, 19 animals were poisoned and died – this kind of brutality is beyond humanity. I want the person who did this to be held accountable. and answer to society itself, what is it for? I would therefore like to appeal to the police to help bring the perpetrator to justice as soon as possible.

However, all 3 victims have already lodged a complaint at Nikhom Phatthana Police Station. Animal cruelty cases are criminal cases that cannot be solved. If the offender is found, maximum legal action is necessary.

Thanks for the information from Facebook. Watchdog Foundation Thailand – WDT

#Heartbroken #owner #pet #dogs #poisoned #lives #left