
Honesty candidacy in Yucatán must be guaranteed in Morena: Verónica Camino Farjat

Senator Verónica Camino Farjat, who will register next week in the process to be coordinator of the Defense of the Fourth Transformation in Yucatán, stated that the internal bodies of Morena must guarantee an honest candidacy for the governorship of the entity.

In an interview with Grupo Imagen, Camino Farjat was asked about whether she would compete for the nomination with Juan Díaz Mena, federal government delegate for Wellbeing Programs, to which she indicated that there will be an internal process, but she represents transparency and the banner of reducing inequalities and bringing the achievements of the 4-T to the state.

“So, I think that those things and those facts are what are going to make the difference and what will make the people of Yucatán choose someone who really, well, even if I don’t manage resources, because well, I don’t need them, well now Yes, I have been transparent, I have been honest, I have said things up front and as I say it, I go straight and I don’t back away,” she asserted.

Last May, according to Grupo Imagen, Joaquín Díaz Mena was accused by Morena militants of removing them from the Emerging Housing Program (PEV) to favor former PRI members who are now promoters of the party, to which the federal delegate said he was willing. willingness to be investigated.

The senator was questioned about whether it would be convenient for Morena to have as a candidate someone who maintains a public position managing public resources and whether this did not contravene the call for the Coordination of the Fourth Transformation in the entity.

“If there is something outside, well, it will be the National Election Commission itself, the Party’s Honesty Committee who will resolve, but in this case I only say that, for my part, I comply with everything that the call says and I with that Well, that’s it, with that I’m going straight ahead because it’s straight ahead and I won’t give up, now I will,” said Camino Farjat.

Camia affirmed that the Yucatecan people will elect an honest and transparent woman as Morena’s candidate for governor and not someone who manages public resources.

The also secretary of the Senate Board of Directors, pointed out that she has always represented the causes of the Yucatecan people, and defended the constitutional reforms of the 4-T, so she will continue to participate in the survey that will define the Morena standard bearer in the entity.

The senator pointed out that just as happened in the process to elect the national coordinator of the 4-T Defense Committees, in the case of Yucatán it will be sought that both Morena and the parties that are part of the alliance participate in the internal process. .

“Because, as they just said, a pact is still going to be made where they are going to invite other people to participate in this movement. I believe that we will achieve our goal if we do it head-on and transparently,” she concluded.