
How are you? Phuket airport in chaos, 300 passengers thrown off planes, famous airline poisoned

How are you? A famous page posted a photo of 300 passengers being thrown off a famous airline that poisoned at Phuket airport while the machine was about to take off Initially, the cause is still unknown.

Date 2 December ’22 pages lab panda doctor Post a photo with a message of many passengers waiting to board the plane at Phuket airport but not boarding the plane. by writing a headline saying Last night, there were many people sending information. There was chaos at Phuket airport. More than 300 passengers were thrown away even though the plane was about to take off. The exact cause is still unknown. Passengers are in big trouble.

Many people asked which airline it was. before someone came to answer which airline it was Causing a lot of people to criticize the airline.