
How to “apply for a credit card online” in a new era not to be deceived by scammers

Apply for a credit card, what do you use?

actionApply for a credit card onlineIt’s easy to do in just a few steps. Fill out the information through the website It is different from applying at the branch where the staff will call to confirm the date of receipt of the documents. There are documents that are required as follows:

1. Credit card application with a signature agreeing to disclose credit information to the National Credit Information Company
2. Copy of ID card signed a true copy And the card must not expire on the date of application.
3. If you change your name or surname A copy of the certificate of name change and surname is required.
4. Documents showing income such as a copy of a fixed or savings account passbook, a pledge of the right to a deposit account, a deposit account statement or a retrospective fund, a bis document 50, a copy of Por Por 30, depending on whether you apply for a credit card. with what conditions

5 Precautions for Applying for a Credit Card Online

Applying for a credit card online There are precautions as follows:

1. Do not apply for credit cards online with untrusted websites.

Click to apply for credit card online Personal information should only be provided to the websites of trusted financial institutions. Make sure that the website you are going to fill out is directly owned by the financial institution. Look at the bank’s abbreviation on the URL. If unsure, call the bank’s Call Center.

2. Remember the card you applied for. Waiting for a call from the staff

when applying for a credit card with any camp It should be remembered that it is a card of any financial institution. Prevent scammers from stealing your personal information

3. Request an officer’s code for verification.

Every time there is a contact with a bank or financial institution officer Credit card applicants have the right to phone to check with the agency whether it is a real officer or not. The real staff will inform the employee code number. When the credit card applicant brings this number to inquire with the bank’s Call Center, they will know that it is actually the officer.

4. Prepare all documents Waiting for a call from messenger

when making an appointment with the staff to receive the documents You must check whether the documents are complete or not. and waiting for a call from the messenger to give directions and make an appointment to receive documents

5. Sign “Correct copy to apply for a credit card with… only.”

Do not send blank copies of important documents. without signature Credit card applicants should sign “Correct copy to apply for a credit card with….only” with a signature to prevent the use of forgery documents

Interesting questions about applying for a credit card in the modern era.

Q : Can I apply for a credit card with a salary of 10,000 baht?

A : Salary 10,000 baht does not meet the conditions for applying for credit cards of all banks. because from the announcement prescribing rules, procedures and conditions for credit card business of commercial banks from the Bank of Thailand Assign the primary cardholder qualification as “Income from various sources The total amount of not less than 15,000 baht per month or not less than 180,000 baht per year must show clear evidence about the source of income.”

In addition, various financial institutions It takes the number “salary” on the salary slip as income only. It does not include other income such as bonuses, commissions, position payments, etc.

Q : Apply for a credit card online. How fast is it approved? Who approves the fastest?

A : Applying for a credit card online How quickly is it approved? depending on contact and preparing the applicant’s documents completely The steps are outlined as follows:

1. Contact back 2-3 business days, depending on the number of applicants at that time.
2. Requesting documents If there is a rejection on the job site or the messenger cannot contact the applicant You have to wait for a new document to be received.
3. When receiving complete documents Officials must verify the information. If the documents are incomplete or inaccurate, a new document must be requested. Return to step 1 again.
4. If the documents are complete Correctly, no need to modify, the result will be known in 7-14 working days.

Once the credit card applicant has been approved The staff will contact you back. via phone or a letter by post But during this time, some financial institutions allow customers to check the application status via the website or the call center of that financial institution.

Q : Apply for a credit card online. do not have to submit documents where are you

A : Almost all financial institutions that open online credit card applications on the website. Do not collect documents on the website but will make an appointment with the staff to pick up the documents instead During the service period, according to the covid situation, they may call to make an appointment for credit card applicants to sign the application documents at the branch.

In conclusion, if you want to apply for a credit card online must be prepared Prepare all documents not missing a single leaf for credit card loan officers to approve quickly And must request the number of staff to verify with the Call Center staff every time our personal financial documents are requested. to prevent scammers who do not have good intentions Prevention is better than cure.