
How will patch 13.4 affect PO sites?

The League of Legends Korean (LCK) Spring Champions, which continues a fierce position battle, is in its 7th week. From the 7th week, a new 13.4 patch is applied. Changes are expected in the LCK meta as several champions that were mainly used in the tournament have been tweaked in patch 13.4.

First, Jax, who was doing well at the top, got a nerf. Jax is one of the most popular main champions this season. The current ban pick rate shows a figure of 61% and is 3rd among the best champions. In addition to his strength in side control in the split phase when he grows well, Jax has recently been chosen by showing his presence in team fights using his ultimate.

However, in area 13.4, it received a major nerf. In particular, the final value adjustment seems to be the key. Passive damage per hit changed from 80/120/160 to 60/110/160, bonus armor and magic resistance on first hit on champions both lower than before. Since the basic physical strength has also been lowered, it seems that the power in the early landing stage will be less than the previous version.

Azir is also worth noting. Azir, who has a bad track record in the LCK recently, dropped his base mana patch to 13.4 and increased the charge time of his W skill, Sand Soldier. However, the magic damage and power coefficient of skill E ability, and the magic damage and power coefficient of ultimate skill ability were increased.

That’s why he will be weaker than before in the early lane battles, but instead, he will most likely reveal his presence more in teamfights after the mid game. Commentator Kim Dong-joon of the LCK CL, who started the schedule with the 13.4 patch, said, “It seems to be quite usable.” Therefore, it is expected that Azir will appear frequently in the LCK, where Azir has often been used to create acceptable teamfight combinations.

Even in the jungle, the two champions could not avoid nerves. Maokai and Alice. Maokai has been performing well in mid-late contests with his saplings and champions, while Ellis is strong in turret dives early in the game. Both champions rank 1st and 2nd among jungle champions with ban/pick rates of 97% and 82%, respectively, and their win rate is also over 50%.

First of all, during the 8 sets of 3 games on the first day of the LCK CL, which started the 7th week schedule with the passage 13.4, Ellis was all banned and still kept under control, and Maokai was only chosen once. The champions mostly used in the jungle that day were Vi and Sejuani. Vi’s frequent appearances can be linked to Ahri, who got quite an upgrade in this patch.

Bai, who has been selected in the LCK recently, has shown a good combination with Ari before. If Maokai’s presence weakens and Alice is constantly banned in the LCK, the frequency of Vi appearances will remain high, and if that happens, Ari, who got an upgrade in patch 13.4, will also appearing at expected times

In the LCK, which entered the second round, the leading T1 were the first to confirm their progress to the playoffs. It appears that the outline of the remaining teams will be gradually revealed in the schedule held through patch 13.4. With the change in the playoff method making it more important than ever to get into the top 2, attention is focused on how the new patch will affect the LCK position battle.

Reporter Kang Yoon-shik (