
Hundreds of people were cleared for rights defense at Shenzhen Evergrande headquarters and many arrested | Evergrande Group | Evergrande Fortune Thunder | Riot Police Suppression

[Epoch Times September 14, 2021](The Epoch Times reporter Xiong Bin interviewed and reported) China’s leading real estate company Evergrande Group is in financial crisis. Its wealth management product “Hengda Wealth” has not been paid when it expires. Victims across the country launched Large-scale rights protection. On September 13, the Shenzhen Evergrande headquarters swarmed into a large number of victims from all over the country. The authorities dispatched a large number of riot police to clear the site. During the process, clashes occurred and some people were arrested. Several online rights protection groups on WeChat and QQ were blocked.

The wealth management product “Hengda Wealth” expired on September 8. The lender questioned Evergrande’s ability to repay. For many consecutive days, many places including Henan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Jilin, Xi’an, and Jiangxi initiated rights protection actions.

A large number of anti-riot troops went to the headquarters to clear the site, and the victims were forced to withdraw from the rights protection group

On the 13th, a large number of victims who sought hard-earned money gathered in the Shenzhen Evergrande Headquarters building, but many people were blocked from the periphery and were not allowed to enter. In the morning, about hundreds of people arrived at the entrance of the headquarters building, raising placards and banners, shouting ” With the slogan of “Hengda pay my hard-earned money”, the banner was robbed by the police, and there was a scene of out-of-control pushing and pushing.

The live video showed that after noon, the authorities sent a large number of riot police to the Evergrande headquarters to clear the scene. The number of police officers was greater than the number of people defending rights on the spot. The live video showed that someone was forcibly taken away by the police.

The Guangdong victim, Mr. Li, told The Epoch Times reporter on the 13th that he was warned by the police not to allow him to participate in rights protection activities and was forced to withdraw from the rights protection group on WeChat that day.

Mr. Li said: “A lot of people came to the headquarters. There were hundreds of people. No one from the company came forward to receive them. Finally, they came to the army and saw that three people were taken away. The police refused to participate in this incident. I am now returning to the countryside. NS.”

It is understood that many WeChat groups and QQ groups established by the victims of Evergrande have been blocked by the authorities. Ms. Wang, a Sichuan victim who declined to be interviewed, told the Epoch Times reporter that all rights-defense videos she posted to Douyin and Kuaishou were blocked.

The reporters made calls to the victims in the past two days, and most of them indicated that it was inconvenient for interviews. Mr. Chen, the victimized owner of Shanghai, told reporters, “I just signed a non-disclosure agreement. I don’t want to talk about it. I can’t talk about it. I’ve never talked about it. I can’t talk about it.”

The victim indicated that he refused to postpone the payment, and he refused to pay off the debt with capital

Du Liang, the general manager and legal representative of Evergrande Wealth Financial Management Company, was besieged by the victim overnight at the headquarters on the 12th. He admitted that he had redeemed the investment project early. On the 13th, after the police cleared the scene, Du Liang left by ambulance. In the afternoon, Lu Peimei, the vice president of financial services, came forward to receive the victim.

According to reports from the people on the scene, Lu Peimei claimed that Evergrande has more than 200 million square meters of land reserves, which are Evergrande’s core assets. There is no mortgage and no realization. “Evergrande Wealth” has 80 billion core assets. Evergrande is currently experiencing When it comes to the liquidity issue, all the projects are unable to operate normally, and they have been fully redeemed in two years and three months. However, the victim believed that the value of the assets had to be evaluated by a third party, and asked Evergrande to mortgage or dispose of the assets, and did not agree to renew the payment in installments.

According to the redemption plan of the Evergrande Group sent out on the 13th, the cash instalment redemption includes: 10% of the redemption amount on the last working day of the month when the investment product expires. Thereafter, every three months can be redeemed again on the last working day of the third month. Each time 10% is redeemed until the redemption is complete. You can also choose to redeem physical assets, including the option of choosing local residences, apartments, office buildings, shops and parking spaces and giving partial discounts.

Victim Zhou Cheng (pseudonym) said that their demands for rights protection were simple, that is, they would not accept all the “delayed payment plans” proposed by Evergrande, and they would also refuse Evergrande’s use of capital to repay debts. He said: “It is enough to redeem in accordance with the contract. Just redeem everything that is not due.”

People worry that Evergrande’s bankrupt real estate project may be unfinished

The victim, Lao Zhang (pseudonym), learned that Evergrande was on the verge of bankruptcy, and its credit had gone bankrupt, and financial institutions would not lend to it. It is difficult for it to rise.

Lao Zhang said: “Hengda is no longer insolvent this time. I heard that Evergrande has already applied for bankruptcy for the first time, and then this time it has to apply for a second time on the 20th, because it really can’t bear it. Looking at so many unfinished real estate projects across the country, this wealth management payment, even if employees do not pay, it means that there are no employees to do things, so what do you mean by guaranteeing the payment of the property and keeping the wool?”

Evergrande Group issued a statement on the 13th, stating that the remarks about Evergrande’s bankruptcy and reorganization recently appeared on the Internet are completely untrue. Evergrande has indeed encountered unprecedented difficulties, but it is still going all out to resume work and production, guarantee the delivery of buildings, and protect customers. Legal rights.

According to internal employees, there are 100,000 people in China who purchase “Hengda Wealth” wealth management products, 70% of which were purchased by the owners when buying Evergrande real estate houses, and 30% were bought by employees and suppliers. The total amount At least 40 billion. The relevant information has not been confirmed.

At the same time, some people in front of the Chongqing Evergrande Company were forcibly arrested in police cars because they demanded repayment. A large number of victims marched on Chunxi Road in the urban area.

Editor in charge: Li Qiong #

