
Hyder Baran before the FA Cup final…”I learned from Madrid, I know how to stop Halan”

Provided by OSEN | 2023.06.02 18:21

[OSEN=정승우 기자] “We have to deal with them as a team, not as individuals.”

Manchester United and Manchester City will face off in the 2022-2023 FA Cup final which will be held at Wembley Stadium in London, England on the 3rd at 11:00pm (hereafter Korean time).

Britain’s ‘The Sun’ reported an interview with Manchester United’s main defender, Raphael Varane on the 2nd, the day before the game. Varane reportedly claimed he knew how to stop Man City’s top keeper Erling Haalan.

Striker Hollan, who joined Man City in the 2022-2023 season, has played in 51 official matches for Man City this season, scoring 52 goals, and has continued to score more than one goal per game.

Hollan scored 36 goals in the league alone, and thanks to Hollan’s performance, Man City managed to win the league in the 2022-2023 season.

How to stop this salt? “When I try to stop Halan, sometimes I’m a step behind, so now I try to block him earlier,” Baran said, saying he would stop the ball from getting to Halan.

He continued, “Obviously, Haalan is one of the very good resources that Man City have. But they are also strong as a team. We have to deal with them as a team, not as individuals.”

Baran faced Haalan in the second round of the Premier League on October 2, 2022. Although Baran was off the ground with an injury in the 40th minute of the first half, Hollan scored in the 34th and 37th minutes of the first half to complete a hat-trick in the 19th minute of the second half. The game ended with a 6-3 victory for Man City.

The second meeting was the 20th round of the Premier League on January 14th. At the time, Baran spent full time and kept Holan quiet. Manchester United won 2-1.

“We know we can beat any opponent,” said Varane. We need a great performance,” he said.

“Everything can change in just a few seconds, so we have to be consistent throughout the 90 minutes. Man City are perfect. They can score in everything from set-pieces, set-pieces, counter-attacks,” Varane said. .

Finally, Varane reiterated, “I learned a lot at (Real) Madrid. I had experience at the highest level. I learned how to fight and I learned the mentality to win. We have grown as a team and as a club this season. I have learned a lot. ” he did


[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]