
“I already broke the record for the most over the weekend”… As of 9 pm Corona, 1569 people have been recorded.

picture explanation[사진 = 매경 DB]

As the fourth pandemic of COVID-19 continues, on Saturday, the 7th, the number of confirmed cases continued across the country.

According to the quarantine authorities and local governments such as Seoul on the 7th, from 00:00 to 9pm on the same day, there were 1,569 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the country. This is 190 more people than last Saturday, a week ago.

If you look at the areas where the confirmed cases were confirmed on that day, 972 people (62.0%) were in the metropolitan area and 597 people (38.0%) were in the non-metropolitan area.

By province and province, Gyeonggi 461, Seoul 440, Busan 101, Chungnam 81, Gyeongnam 74, Incheon 71, Daegu 61, Ulsan and Gyeongbuk each 56, Chungbuk 51, Daejeon 32, Gangwon 26, Gwangju 22 people, Jeonbuk 18, Jeonnam 12, Jeju 5, and Sejong 2

As there is still time until midnight, when the counting ends, the number of new confirmed cases to be announced as of 00:00 on the 8th is expected to increase further, recording 1,700-1,800.

[류영상 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]