
“I don’t think it’s a text message from my daughter” Report from a convenience store owner

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“Buy a gift certificate sold at a convenience store, stamp the serial number on the back, and send it to me.”

A middle-aged woman received this text message from her child, and it turned out to be a scam by the voice phishing gang.

The damage was prevented thanks to a report from a convenience store owner who saw this suspicious text message.

Correspondent Kim Se-young reported.

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A middle-aged woman is standing in front of the checkout counter of a convenience store, unable to put her phone down.

I can hardly take my eyes off my phone.

The owner of the convenience store showed the gift certificate the woman asked for, then took cash and handed it over.

It was 40 million won.

[편의점 주인]

“‘I heard there is a gift card, but I need to get about 400,000 won.’

The amount and the reason for the purchase were uncertain, but the decisive one was the following.

A convenience store owner stumbled upon a suspicious text message on the victim’s cell phone handed to him for charging.

After calling a middle-aged woman ‘mom’, she asks several times, “Have you not bought a gift certificate yet?”

We urge you not to forget the ‘Notes’ when purchasing gift certificates.

[김 모 씨]

“When you say ‘just buy me 800,000 won’, don’t show me the text, and if you just ask why you need it, watch a movie… or say something like that”

Finally, a text message was sent saying, “Please take a picture of the 16-digit serial number on the back of the voucher and send it to me.”

The owner of the convenience store who checked the text reported it to the police as suspected of voice phishing, and the police who arrived confirmed that it was a fraudulent text message.

The voice phishing crew used only text messages, giving excuses like ‘my phone is broken’ and ‘a friend took it’.

[김 모 씨]

“‘Mom, I dropped my phone and left it to fix, so I can’t answer the phone’… I thought it was really our daughter.”

Police said it is a new type of phishing scam that aims to allow you to purchase items online without having to authenticate yourself by entering the serial number of the gift certificate.

This is Kim Se-young from MBC News.

Video coverage: Dong-Won Wi/Video editing: Joo-Hyang Lim/Video provided by: Gyeonggi Nambu Police Agency

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