
“I shot everything I could see”… Ukrainian girl shot dead by Russian soldier [러, 우크라 침공]

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 데일리메일]

On the 8th (local time), the 13th day after Russia invaded Ukraine, the British daily Daily Mail reported that a 10-year-old girl was killed by a gunshot wounded by a drunken Russian soldier on the 28th of last month.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident took place in Sibere, about 64 kilometers north of the Ukrainian capital Kiiu.

My cousin Anya said, “I heard from my mother that the Russian army came to[Sybene]but they are in a calm state, but the very next day I heard the news of my cousin from a friend.”

Anya’s mother, Vera Dmitrienko, explained the situation at the time, “When a teenage boy from a village fired a gun into the air, Russian soldiers opened fire on a residential area, and Anastasia was shot and killed on the spot.”

“The soldiers who shot the fire were so drunk that they couldn’t recognize where the gunshots were coming from and opened fire everywhere, including four houses,” he said. He also said that, unlike the first day, the Russian army looted the store, drank a lot, and stopped trying to bury his deceased cousin in the village cemetery, and eventually buried it in the backyard of his house.

The United Nations Office for Human Rights said on Monday that it had confirmed 1,335 civilian casualties in Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion, 474 killed and 861 wounded. This is 68 more than the number of civilian deaths announced the day before.

The Human Rights Office added that hundreds of civilians were killed in villages such as Volnovaka, Mariupol and Izum.

Meanwhile, for the first time since the start of the war, civilians were evacuated by agreement between the two sides. In the city of Sumi in northeastern Ukraine, about 5,000 civilians fled the city of besieged by Russian troops through a humanitarian route. Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Bereshuk said in a TV briefing that “5,000 people have been evacuated through the humanitarian route between Sumi and Poltava.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]