
IKEA adds 2 new services-600 items, price reduction 15%

Daily Manager 360- Ikea is completely poisoned by covids. Can’t sell products. Focus online at full strength. Reduced product prices by 15%, joining 600 items, found after relaxing customers to shop more products, recently launched 2 new services “Circular Shop” and “Recycling Center” pilot IKEA Bang Yai is the first in Thailand.

Mr. Tom Suther, Store Manager, IKEA Bang Yai, revealed that IKEA is one of the retail businesses. affected by COVID-19 Especially during the closing period, the product cannot be sold at all. both daily products and food groups As a result, IKEA has adapted in many areas, such as focusing on 100% online sales, especially food groups that must be sold in delivery form. and a 15% reduction in product prices for more than 600 items already at this time, etc.

However, it was found that after returning to service as usual Since September 1, customers have responded and come to shop almost as much as the normal period before the Covid-19 outbreak. Sales are growing, including desks, cooking tools, interior storage kits, tables and home furnishings. Believed that it was caused by customers who saw the importance of living at home more. Therefore, looking for products that meet the needs of living at home more.

“The number of customers who use the service during this period close to the time when there was no covid An important part comes from customers confident in the management of the government sector. including vaccinations that reach a relatively large population And IKEA itself has good security measures. Resulting in a large number of customers using the service. It was found that there were new product categories that had increased sales. But when compared to the amount of spending per bill is considered to be reduced This is mainly due to IKEA’s price reduction. to match the situation and customers are more cautious in their spending,” said Mr. Tom.

However, recently, IKEA Bang Yai has opened 2 new services, which are 1. Circular Shop and 2. Recycling Center, to meet the journey towards sustainable development commitment in 2030 and to stimulate the participation of IKEA customers towards the goal. Zero Waste creates sustainability and a better world for future generations.

For Circular Shop, it is a service to buy-sell IKEA furniture. It is a service that aims to build a community of IKEA lovers. Exchange home decoration inspiration. Forward Ikea furniture Customers will receive IKEA gift cards to buy new furniture. IKEA will then take the product for repair or improvement. and bring them back to sell to customers who are looking for affordable products that still have all the benefits. Maximize benefits for both buyers and sellers, and most importantly, reduce waste for the world.

recycling center Convenient recycling point
IKEA invites everyone to help reduce the carbon footprint. for a cleaner world Exchange your categorized recycled waste for IKEA Family Points for every 1kg of recycled waste, including paper, plastic, aluminium, and other metals. and clear glass as required When you accumulate 5,000 bonus points, you can redeem a cash coupon worth 50 baht for in-store purchases.

“Circular Shop Thai is one of the 5 following services from Sweden that started the first one a year ago. The IKEA Bang Yai recycling center is the first branch in the world to provide service. At present, more than 200 kilograms have been recycled, which is as planned. The circular shop aims to have 10 pieces of service per day. Recycling, IKEA currently accounts for 78% of the waste generated from various operations. From now on, it should increase to 83% after opening the recycling center. Both of these services will open to all branches in Thailand,” concluded Mr. Tom.

