
In a netizen post “I will be a fan for life”… Kim Jin-ho’s wonderful stories from SG Wannabe spread

Reporter Chae Tae-byeong of Money Today | 2023.05.30 11:23

Singer Kim Jin-ho from the group ‘SG Wannabe’. /Photo = News 1

A story was revealed that Kim Jin-ho (37) from the group ‘SG Wannabe’ passed a 20-minute round trip to give his fans a small gift to express his gratitude. In response, netizens joined the praise exchange by sharing the good story of Kim Jin-ho that they knew.

On the 30th, a story about Kim Jin-ho, written by netizen A, spread in domestic online communities.

Through a letter, Mr. A said, “I reopened the store after expanding the store, but on the 29th, SG Wannabe Kim Jin-ho visited,” and “I didn’t know at first because he was wearing a hat, but my aunt at work recognized him.”

He said, “Being such a fan, I asked for an autograph when paying the bill after the meal.”

“But after about 20 minutes, (Kim Jin-ho) came back to the shop and said, ‘Congratulations on the opening’ and gave me ice cream and coffee,” he said.

Singer Kim Jin-ho’s signature (above) certified by netizen A and a small gift he gave. /Picture=Online community capture

Mr. A said, “I always liked him and listened to the song often… I decided to become a (Kim Jin-ho) fan for the rest of my life because of this incident.” revealed.”

Other netizens who saw the article also shared their experiences with Kim Jin-ho. Netizen B said, “I saw him at a memorial service event in the past, and he bowed to all the officers.” “Even the soldiers said they had a lot of trouble and encouraged them by raising their thumbs up. I arrived well before the rehearsal and looked around the cemetery,” he said.

Another netizen linked a link to an article which reported that Kim Jin-ho caught a thief and was chosen as ‘Citizen Hero of the Year’. In July 2010, Kim Jin-ho subdued a thief who attacked a woman and stole her bag in Cheonho-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul. At that time, it was known that Kim Jin-ho had witnessed a robbery while returning home with friends after playing basketball, and he ran to help the woman without hesitation.

In addition, Kim Jin-ho has been holding talent giveaways for almost 10 years, singing songs for hospitals and schools without any guarantee. Kim Jin-ho, who debuted with SG Wannabe in 2004, married a non-celebrity woman last October.

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]