
India steals money from Russo-Ukrainian War (end)

However, when the Russian-Ukrainian War began, the United States may feel that Russia “threat” It is more dangerous than Iran and fears that a boycott of Russia will lead to a shortage of crude oil in the world market. “Energy Crisis” It can lead to global inflation soaring higher so he sent a team to negotiate in Tehran and announced the lifting of sanctions against Iran last year.

Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India a Ibrahim Raizi President of Iran take the opportunity to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in mid-September 2022 in Uzbekistan. discussing the possibility India will return to importing crude oil from Iran again.

Current news in the energy industry shows that The negotiations went smoothly. The two countries reached an agreement on crude oil trade with each other. India also gets crude oil at a friendly price.

From 2023 onwards, India has started re-importing a significant increase in Iranian crude oil. and reduce crude oil imports from the United States down to half of the original (While China also buys crude oil at friendly prices from Iran via Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates as well.)

If the US and the West squeeze Russia more prudently It is expected to lead to Iran It plays a role in becoming an important source of energy for India again in the future.

Such events may reflect that International politics and economics are more complex than expected. And that may not be the way we perceive it through the media. It can also have far-reaching effects in many dimensions.

on the one hand United States And the allied nations choose to use economic sanctions to hope “Draw a circle” Russia and Iran in the international economic arena In particular, limiting crude oil exports to reduce income from “opposite”

present Russia a Iran Relying on revenues from energy exports for about 40% of the country’s total income, the United States wants to use economic factors to influence political factors.

In other words, the United States hopes to limit its main income from crude oil exports. It can reduce the role of Russia and Iran. in the world political world as he has done successfully

But on the other hand, the United States and its allies I still do not dare to walk in intense games. Total ban on exports to Russia and Iran.

and agree “Limited to one eye.” Opportunity for India to buy crude oil from Russia and Iran directly and indirectly (from UAE) “double standards” know that Refined oil that Europe imports from India comes from Russia.

So Karma fell to a country in Europe. which has to bear the burden of buying pure oil from India at higher prices This is partly due to higher logistics costs of multiple transports and longer distances.

In addition, the presence of representatives from important countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates at the energy conference in Bangalore. India in the early years It also reinforces the idea of ​​the United States. and allied nations who want to support India to benefit from privatization and energy exports in the international economic arena.

Another thing that should not be forgotten is the Russia-India and Iran-India energy deal Including Russia-China and Saudi-China at a friendly price with local currency, causing the United States to be hit “symbols used for figures” many went because it made the “Petrodollar” used for about half a century “obviously exhausted”

I would also like to invite readers. Follow the role of international cooperation groups. led by China Especially the BRICs and SCOs, as well as the growing economy It also turned to use local currency other than the US dollar. in transactions between them has also increased

The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian War lead to policy adjustments “East End” of Russia, along with India’s close ties with many powers. Be it the United States, Europe and Russia, we may conclude that India has stepped up to play a greater role in the world’s energy arena. and have benefited greatly from the economy directly and indirectly

In addition to the short term benefits India can step up to offset China in the region. and may become the world’s “new pole of power” in the long run…