
International Trade Fair; The UAE will also attend

New Delhi: ( 31.10.2021) The UAE will also attend the India International Trade Fair next month. The announcement was made by the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry yesterday. The much-awaited South Asia Trade Fair will be held from November 14 to 27 in Delhi.

Apart from the UAE, Bahrain, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Turkey and Sri Lanka are already participating in the fair. It is hoped that more countries will make the announcement in the coming days.

The country is looking forward to next month’s fair as one of the most crucial milestones in the fight against Kovid. An area of ​​73,000 square meters is being prepared for the fair. This is three times more than in previous years. Admission is restricted to businessmen during the first five days of the fair. The public will be given the opportunity to attend the fair in the days following.

Keywords: News, New Delhi, India, International, UAE, Bahrain, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, COVID19,  UAE To Participate In India International Trade Fair.

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