
Investigation into Alleged Abuse of Power and Preferential Treatment in Yongsan Move Extended Again by Audit Commission

The Audit and Inspection Commission, which is investigating whether there was abuse of power and preferential treatment in the process of moving the president’s office and official residence to Yongsan, again extended the review period, which had been extended five times .

The Board of Audit and Inspection issued a press release this evening saying: “The Audit Committee has decided to reconsider the relevant details of the audit at a later date.”

The Board of Auditors and Inspection explained: “This is because it is necessary to more clearly confirm and integrate the facts of some issues before deliberation.”

This audit is actually the first of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, and it has now been a year and a half since it began in December last year.

Under the Anti-Corruption Law, the “audit of public proposals” must be completed within 60 days, but the Board of Audit and Inspection has so far completed six audits, citing reasons such as “time is needed for an effective on-site audit” and “We are organizing the findings, including confirming the facts and reviewing the legal principles. The audit period has been extended.”

Previously, in October of the penultimate year, the Association of Popular Solidarity for Participatory Democracy had called for a public audit to investigate whether there was any illegality, such as abuse of power and preferential treatment, in the decision-making process of the Office of the President to relocate in Yongsan , and if suspicions that a company linked to First Lady Kim Kun-hee had received the contract to build the official residence were true, I charged it.

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