
Investiture of “Bashingantahe” in Louvain-la-Neuve by expatriates in Belgium.

An investiture of “Bashingantahe” organized by members of the Burundian diaspora in Belgium in a joyful and pleasant environment.

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 05/25/2024 – In a beautiful and joyful environment, a bunch of people from the Burundian diaspora organized an investiture of “Bashingantahe”.

Within the Burundian customYR Respect one another are members ofnice brotherhood assure good governance In Kingdom of Burundi, the standard state of Burundi. They have been present in all of the hills of Burundi. This brotherhood solely introduced collectively residents with coronary heartthat iinterdite aux Bahimawell-known for his or her unhealthy hearts.

Inside theUbumu, the standard socio-economic system of Barundi, the Bashingantahe performed a vital function. When the authorities (Baganwa, Batware, and so on.), within the title of the Mwami, needed to belief a coverage of redistributing assets for the wants of hill households, the Bashingantahe proposed one in every of their initiatives, which is acknowledged for its accuracy. and accuracy.

This particular person, muhutu initiated mushingantahe, would arrange his kwihutura in entrance of mututsi to start his function as a civil servant serving the state as a good ruler, if mututsi was not out there within the hill.

Through the Burundian Bahima dictatorship from 1966 to 2005, Bahima grew to become Batutsi was intronizés Basingantahewhich was a sacrifice based on Ubungoma and Ubuntu the Barundi, complete ban.

at present, the Bashingantahe brotherhood continues in Burundiexcluded many Bahima had infiltrated there and they’re exile in Europe and America.

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Sources: Nahimana P., Saturday Might 25, 2024 | Picture: Alain Majesté Barenga.
