
Iran leaves climate conference because of Israel’s participation

Israel’s army accuses Hamas of violating the ceasefire. More hostages are released. All information in the news blog.

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Hamas terrorists crossed the border into Israel on October 7 and carried out massacres. Since then, Israel has been attacking targets in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. This live blog informs you about the current developments:

Iran leaves climate conference because of Israel’s participation

12.20 p.m.: According to media reports, the Iranian delegation is leaving the negotiations at the UN climate conference in Dubai in protest against the participation of representatives of the Israeli state. The Iranian Energy Minister, Ali Akbar Mehrabian, as the head of the Iranian delegation, explains, according to the Iranian state news agency Irna, that the participation of the Israelis “contradicts the goals and guidelines of the conference.” Therefore, the Iranian delegation is leaving the conference.

The Iranian agency had previously reported that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi would not attend the UN climate conference “because of inviting representatives of the Zionist regime.” Iran does not recognize Israel as a state. In the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Tehran supports the terrorist organization. Tehran denies that Iran was directly involved in the preparations for the brutal Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th that left 1,200 dead.

Released Arab hostages reunited with family in Israel

12.00 p.m.: Two Arab-Israeli teenagers released by Hamas have been reunited with their families. Israeli media published photos of the reunion on Friday. A 17-year-old can be seen smiling in the arms of an unspecified relative. Her 18-year-old brother is also shown hugging a relative. According to the information, the photos were taken at the reunion on Thursday evening in the clinic where the siblings, who belong to a Bedouin community, were examined after their release.

According to Israeli media, the father of the two and another 22-year-old brother are still in the hands of Hamas. The four were working in a kibbutz near the Gaza Strip during the massacre on October 7th. The Arab family is therefore active in agriculture. According to Israeli media, members of the extended family emphasized that they were Muslims. Terrorists from the Gaza Strip are also reportedly in control of two other members of the Bedouin community from southern Israel. Several were also murdered by Palestinian terrorists almost eight weeks ago.

Israel’s army publishes map for evacuation of Gaza Strip

11.55 a.m.: The Israeli army has released a map that divides the Gaza Strip into more than 2,000 zones. This is intended to ensure that the residents of the Gaza Strip can better follow the army’s instructions. Read more about the topic here.

UNICEF calls for a long-term ceasefire

11.20 a.m.: The United Nations children’s fund Unicef ​​is calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Inaction amounts to condoning the killing of children, a Unicef ​​spokesman said in a video.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres also expressed regret at the end of the seven-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. “I deeply regret that military operations in the Gaza Strip have resumed,” he writes on the short message service X.

Qatar: Ceasefire negotiations continue

10:47 a.m.: Qatar’s Foreign Ministry says negotiations to restore the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas are ongoing. Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip on Friday complicated the effort.

Foreign Minister Baerbock: Hamas must lay down its weapons

10:41 a.m.: Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warns: “In these minutes we must do everything we can to ensure that the humanitarian ceasefire continues.” This is necessary in order to free all hostages and alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians, explains Baerbock in Berlin. One thing is clear: “Israel will never be able to live in security if terror is not fought. And at the same time, there can only be security for Israel if the Palestinians also have prospects for the future.”