
Is It Safe to Eat Gray Meat Left in the Refrigerator?

Meat left in the refrigerator turns gray. Can I eat it? pixelated image

When I take out the bulgogi I bought a few days ago and put it in the refrigerator, it turns out to be a dark gray color instead of bright red. Has the meat gone bad? Is it okay to eat it cooked? It doesn’t have a strong odor, but it is uncomfortable. asked the expert.

Finally, beef that has a gray or brown color can be consumed as long as it does not have a strong odor. In reality, freshly cut meat is gray, brown, or sometimes even purple instead of red. If the meat has not been exposed to oxygen since it was cut and packaged immediately or in a vacuum package, the color may not be red. In this case, if you leave the meat at room temperature, it will automatically return to its red color.

Why does preserved meat gradually turn gray? Myoglobin, a muscle protein in meat, reacts with oxygen and darkens its color. Even if fresh meat is stored in the refrigerator for a few days, it gradually turns gray when the myoglobin in the meat comes into contact with oxygen.

Can I eat beef that is turning gray? Use all your senses to find out if beef is safe to eat. Instead of judging by color, you can cook and eat beef even if it turns gray, as long as the surface of the meat is not sticky or smells bad.

To keep the meat fresh, you should use it within a day or two of purchasing it or place it in a zip-lock bag and freeze it. Mark the date on the outside and cook and consume within a period of no more than 4 months. If it is minced meat, it should be thawed in the refrigerator and not at room temperature before cooking.

When cooking thick, non-fresh beef, use a probe thermometer or infrared thermometer to ensure sufficient doneness. Food experts recommend that food be fully cooked above 70 degrees.

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