
Is there a hidden reason for frequent power outages in Taoyuan?Taipower: The “conspiracy theory” of Taipower, which ranks second in the country in terms of number of feeders, is enough | Financial Focus | Sankei

Local representatives question Taoyuan areapower outage“There is another hidden story” about the accident,TaipowerIt said that more than 2,400 people across Taiwan are on duty 24 hours a day, ready for emergency repairs, and strive to reduce the impact of power outages. There are 132 manpower on duty in the Taoyuan area. In order to shorten the power restoration time, the automatic construction of feeders in the Taoyuan area will be accelerated. We hope that political conspiracy theories will stop.

Taoyuan City Councilor Ling Tao said on Facebook today that the recent power outages have been highly concentrated in Taoyuan and Linkou. Is there something hidden? He pointed out that in the past, power consumption was tight and Shimen Reservoir hydropower was fully supported. Now, two new units of the Tai Tam Power Plant are about to come online, and Taoyuan is still shut down during a power outage. How embarrassing is it for all citizens.

Taipower issued a press release today stating that power outages caused by natural disasters, external forces, or equipment failures are not unique to Taiwan. Some local representatives frequently link natural disasters, external forces, and accidental power outages to power shortages. Taipower hopes that the discussion can focus on the operation of the power supply system. Technical issues will avoid unfair evaluation of those who have worked hard to repair the problem.

Taipower stated that since mid-April, 19 power outages have occurred in Taoyuan due to equipment failures and external influences, all of which were caused by accidents. The Taoyuan area has 12,000 kilometers of distribution lines and 1,109 feeders. It not only accounts for 1/10 of the country’s number of feeders, but also ranks second in the country, with 1.3 million users.

Taipower pointed out that power equipment failures and power outages are inevitable due to factors such as weather, equipment maintenance, and obsolescence. There are many feeders in the Taoyuan area, and any line or equipment abnormality may cause a power outage. Taoyuan’s industrial and commercial development is rapid, there are many new construction projects, and the amount of line switching is large, which may also increase the risk of power supply.

Taipower further explained that Taipower has a total of 2,475 manpower in 24 districts across the country, working in three shifts 24 hours a day, ready for emergency repairs at any time. Among them, a total of 132 people are on duty around the clock in the Taoyuan area. Once a power outage is reported, no matter it is windy or rainy or late at night, they will immediately send people to repair the power, striving to minimize the impact of the power outage.

Taking the power outage in Taoyuan Dayuan and Zhongli districts late last night as an example, Taipower emergency repair personnel immediately dispatched emergency repairs after receiving the notification. It took about an hour and the power was restored at 0:54 this morning.

Taipower emphasized that it deeply apologizes to the public for the trouble and inconvenience caused by the power outage. In order to shorten the power restoration time, Taipower will accelerate the automatic construction of feeders in the Taoyuan area, and conduct a comprehensive inventory of distribution equipment line configurations and manpower support mechanisms. It will improve the probability of accidents through preventive inspections and covering exposed live parts, and strive to reduce the impact of power outages. drop to lowest.

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