
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Voices Disagreement with President Biden’s Decision to Halt Weapon Shipments

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview with the host of the American talk show Dr. Phil that aired on the night of the 9th (local time) that US President Joe Biden made a mistake in stopping the shipment of weapons to Israel.

According to CNN, Prime Minister Netanyahu said this and then said that the Israeli army is taking every step to help local residents leave Rafah, the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip. He also said he hoped he and President Biden would find a way to overcome their differences.

He said, “I have known President Biden for over 40 years. We used to agree, but sometimes we disagreed. We have overcome them. “I hope I can overcome this time too,” he said.

“We will do what we have to do to protect our country, and this in order to protect our future,” he said. And that means we will defeat Hamas, including inside Rafah. “There is no other option,” he added.

(Seoul = News 1)


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