
“It was the Jews who gave the Jewish hideout to the Nazis” Anne Frank pointed out as a Nazi informant

picture explanationAuschwitz underground cell. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

During World War II, it was alleged that the person who informed the Nazis of the hiding place of the Anne Frank family, known as ‘Anne’s Diary’, was a member of a wartime Jewish committee at the time.

According to Reuters, on the 17th (local time) of this month (local time), CBS aired a documentary about the suspect who revealed the hiding place of Anne Frank.

According to the documentary, a retired FBI agent Vincent Vincent Pankok and a team of about 20 investigators made up of historians, criminologists and data experts identified Jewish notary Arnold van den Berg as the suspect in exposing the hiding place.

The investigation team was based on a note received from Anne’s father, Otto Frank. The note does not contain the sender, but the name of Van den Berg appears.

According to the documentary, the memo read: “Van den Berg was a member of the Amsterdam Wartime Jewish Council and had access to the addresses of the Jewish refugees”, “van den Berg handed over such a list of addresses to the Nazis to save his family” it is written

Anne Frank. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationAnne Frank. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

The investigative team said Otto Frank, the only surviving member of the Anne Frank family, was aware of the memo, but did not make it public. The investigative team speculated that they did not want to disclose the memo because it was not certain that the contents of the memo were true and because it was information that could promote anti-Semiticism.

“Otto knew that people in difficult situations sometimes do things that are morally unjustifiable,” said Van Twisk, a member of the investigation team.

Meanwhile, the Anne Frank family was discovered by the Nazis on August 4, 1944, after hiding for two years in an annex of a warehouse in Amsterdam, the Netherlands to escape the Nazi search. Anne was taken to a concentration camp, fell ill and died at the age of 15.

[김우현 매경닷컴 기자]
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