
Itaewon special law dedicated to portraits: Special law passed 551 days after the disaster

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Another important bill was passed in the plenary session of the National Assembly today.

On October 29, 2022, a special law to uncover the truth about the unfortunate tragedy that occurred in Itaewon finally saw the light of day through an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties.

Five hundred and fifty days have passed since the disaster occurred.

The bereaved family placed a special tribute in front of the portrait and shed tears.

This is reporter Minhyung Kim’s report.

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The bereaved families of the 10.29 Itaewon disaster submit documents in front of the portrait at the incense burner.

This is the Itaewon Disaster Special Act, which barely passed the plenary session with agreement between the ruling and opposition parties at the end of the 21st National Assembly.

[노현용/고 노류영 씨 아버지]

“I feel sorry that I can finally raise my head a little, but I still think it’s a relief.”

Five hundred and fifty days have passed since the disaster occurred.

The bereaved families threw themselves on the asphalt both last summer when it rained heavily and winter when it snowed.

Finally, I visited the National Assembly again to see if the Itaewon Special Act was really passed.


“I declare that it has been passed.”

The special bill, agreed upon by the ruling and opposition parties and introduced today, was passed with 256 votes in favor and 3 abstentions.

The moment I had been waiting so long for, tears flowed again.

The bereaved families each wiped their eyes, held each other’s hands, and shared their joy.

[최진희/고 이주영 씨 어머니]

“I go to my child every week. Every time I go to the charnel house, I feel like a liar. I think I’ll do it as a mother. Next week will do, next week…”

[김운중/고 김산하 씨 아버지]

“I had mixed feelings. It was so hard to come for 1 year and 6 months just to do those 10 minutes…”

Once the Itaewon Special Act is promulgated, the process of forming a special investigation committee begins immediately.

The chairperson determines the chairperson through consultation between the ruling and opposition parties, and the ruling and opposition parties each recommend four members, making up nine members.

Fact-finding activities can be conducted for up to one year, and the period of activity can be extended by up to three months.

It took five hundred and fifty days to take one step.

The bereaved families say it’s time to start again.

[정미라/고 이지현 씨 어머니]

“The government and the National Assembly will faithfully fulfill their roles so that there are no further delays in the process…”

This is Minhyung Kim from MBC News.

Video coverage: Seo Hyeon-kwon / Video editing: Kim Jae-seok

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