
Japan’s ‘Achilles heel’ ignites controversy over humiliating diplomacy against Japan… No: “Can’t we criticize Japan for opposing the market economy?”

Park Jie-won, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea’s National Assembly, criticized the Japanese government’s pressure to liquidate Naver’s stake in Yahoo Line, saying, “Why can’t you even criticize Japan’s actions that go against the free market economy that President Yoon Seok-yeol so emphasized?”

President-elect Park posted a post on her Facebook page on the 9th and said, “Attempts to rob Naver Line by Japanese authorities and companies are going too far. Yet our government is only holding back.”

President-elect Park said, “President Yoon Seok-yeol has boasted countless times that Korea-Japan relations are the best, but why is there no protest or solution? Why can’t he even criticize Japan’s behavior that goes against the free market economy that President Yoon Seok-yeol so emphasized? Why does he become small when he stands in front of Japan?” “He said.

President-elect Park said, “Some are even saying that there is some kind of deal between the Korean and Japanese governments. This is the second diplomatic incompetence and humiliating diplomacy following the release of nuclear contaminated water. I urge the government to take thorough measures.”

The Japanese government has unusually provided administrative guidance to Line Yahoo, the operator of Japan’s ‘national messenger’ line, twice and requested a reexamination of its capital relationship with Naver. In fact, they are pressuring Naver to hand over its stake in Line Yahoo to a Japanese company.

▲On the afternoon of the 9th, people are entering the Tokyo Garden Terrace Gioi Tower in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, where Line Yahoo is located. ‘Line Yahoo’ is written in front of the person walking. The day before, Line Yahoo announced that it was leaving Naver by formalizing its request for Naver to step down from its position as a joint majority shareholder of the parent company. ⓒYonhap News

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