
Juárez is still among us; He governs by his example: López Obrador

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confessed that in the most difficult moments of his administration he has sought the advice of Benito Juárez; Therefore, the Benemérito de las Américas continues to govern with his example.

“I must confess here that the task of governing that has fallen to me in these years has been less arduous and more smooth, because for a long time I have had Benito Juárez as a reference and as a guide.

“There have been countless times in which I have gone to him to ask for advice and he has never, ever failed me; because Juárez is still among us, Juárez still governs by his example,” stated the head of the Executive Branch.

President López Obrador led this afternoon, in Guelatao de Juárez, Oaxaca, the ceremony for the 218th Anniversary of the birth of Benito Juárez, accompanied in the presidium by the governor of the entity, Salomón Jara, and the municipal president, Aldo González.

Among the public were members of his cabinet, the secretaries of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde; of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena; of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, and of Education, Leticia Ramírez.

Also attending were the secretaries of the National Defense, General Luis Cresencio Sandoval, and the Mexican Navy, Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán; as well as the governors emanating from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

“No one like him embodies, with such perfection, the indomitable will of the Mexican people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, progress, well-being, respect for the law and defense of principles.

“In the life and work of the worthy we have inspiration, and we also have the manual, the essential truths that allow us to overcome difficult and dark moments,” said President López Obrador.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the municipal president of Guelatao de Juárez, Aldo González, took advantage of the presence of the president to ask for his support for the rehabilitation of the road from Oaxaca to Tuxtepec, in the construction of a hospital and in the approval of the law of self-determination of indigenous peoples.

President López Obrador responded that in terms of infrastructure it will be the Army that will be in charge of the work, while in legislation it will be up to the State Congress.

On the road from Oaxaca to Tuxtepec, the president indicated that progress will be made, at least, to Ixtlán and the rest will be in charge of the next administration, without saying the name of who the owner may be.

“Hopefully we can finish in September, if not we are going to leave it advanced, at least from Oaxaca to Ixtlán we are going to leave it finished in its rehabilitation.

“And from Ixtlán to Tuxtepec, if we do not finish it, we are going to leave it in charge, entrusted to the next government, which I think will be sensitive and will understand that everyone must be attended to, everyone must be listened to, everyone must be respected, but It must give preference to the poor and the marginalized,” said President López Obrador.

You can also read: López Obrador insists on meeting with parents of the 43 without intermediaries; wait for response
