
Kaiyuan Securities maintains the Buy rating of Kweichow Moutai. It has recently received attention from 20 brokerage research reports, with a target average price increase of 21.83% | Daily Economic News

Every AI newsletter,Kaiyuan Securities issued a research report on October 25 and stated that it maintains the buy rating of Kweichow Moutai (600519.SH, latest price: 1873.03 yuan). The main reasons for the rating include: 1) Moutai prices increased mainly in the third quarter, and series of wines accelerated; 2) Cash collection and advance receipts performed well; 3) The gross profit margin decreased slightly, the overall expense ratio during the period remained the same, and the business tax The ratio fell and the net profit margin increased. Risk warning: Macroeconomic fluctuations have led to a decline in demand, and the expansion outside the province is not as expected.

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(Reporter Cai Ding)

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