
Kim Ho-joong Arrest Warrant Drama: Live performance Proceeds Regardless of Hit and Run Allegations

Supply time05/23/2024 12.15pm

‘Drunk Hit and Run’ Ho-joong Kim Goes With Present Regardless of Requesting Arrest Warrant?

(Seoul = Yonhap Information) Reporter Search engine optimization Dae-yeon = Singer Kim Ho-joong, topic to an arrest warrant on expenses of “hit-and-run whereas intoxicated”, determined to go forward with the live performance scheduled for the twenty third and twenty fourth, and the twenty second, on the outer wall of the KSPO Dome (Gymnastics Stadium) at Songpa-gu Olympic Park, Seoul. A big banner is hanging for the efficiency of “World Union Orchestra Tremendous Basic: Kim Ho-jung & Primadonna”. 2024.5.22

(Seoul = Yonhap Information) Reporter Lee Mi-ryeong and Choi Joo-seong = singer Kim Ho-jung (33), who acquired an arrest warrant on expenses of “hit-and-run whereas drunk”, has requested that the substantive examination of the warrant be scheduled for the twenty fourth, it was postponed till after the live performance, however the courtroom didn’t settle for it.

In line with Yonhap Information protection on the twenty third, the Seoul Central District Courtroom rejected Mr. Kim’s request to postpone the date of substantive examination of the warrant submitted by Mr. Kim’s lawyer this morning.

Accordingly, the warrant examination will happen as scheduled on the Seoul Central District Courtroom tomorrow at round 12pm.

The examination of the warrant may even proceed for Lee Gwang-deuk (41), CEO of Kim’s company, Saesang Leisure, accused of inciting the escape of criminals, and the pinnacle of the corporate, Mr. Jeon, accused of destroying checks as scheduled at 11.30am and 11.45am respectively on the identical day.

At round 11.40pm on the ninth, Mr. Kim drove his automobile whereas drunk and crashed right into a taxi on the other street in Apgujeong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, after which ran away.

After the accident, the company’s CEO Lee ordered Mr. Kim’s supervisor to give up falsely, and the corporate’s head, Mr. Jeon, is accused of eradicating the black field reminiscence card from Mr. Kim’s car .

The day earlier than, police had requested an arrest warrant for Mr. Kim on expenses of inflicting harm whereas driving dangerously and inflicting dying whereas fleeing beneath the Act on Aggravated Punishment for Specified Crimes. Arrest warrants had been additionally requested for Consultant Lee and Mr. Jeon.

The afternoon earlier than the prosecution had requested an arrest warrant in opposition to them.

Mr. Kim’s aspect acknowledged that regardless of the arrest warrant request, the Seoul live performance held on the twenty third and twenty fourth on the KSPO Dome (Gymnastics Stadium) in Seoul Olympic Park will happen as scheduled.

Report through KakaoTalk okjebo

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05/23/2024 12:15 Posted

#Drunk #hitandrun #Kim #Hojung #requests #postponement #arrest #warrant #overview.. #dismissal #courtroom