
Kim Yeon-kyung Reflects on Past Volleyball Career in ‘Fifteen Nights’ Interview

‘Fifteen Nights’ Kim Yeon-kyung made people laugh by dressing herself in the past. On the 10th, a video titled ‘Legendary World Volleyball Emperor God Yeon-kyung and Nabul’ was uploaded to the YouTube channel ‘Channel 15 Nights’ hosted by producer Na Young-seok. On this day, PD Na Young-seok asked, “At what point did you feel, ‘I think I chewed a volleyball then.’ Kim Yeon-kyung attracted attention by selecting the 2012 London Olympics and the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Kim Yeon-kyung said, “I watched a video of my past games recently, and I still hear people saying I’m good at it, but back then, I thought, ‘Oh, it was different.'” and make people laugh.

He said, “I was like, ‘What?’ To me, it felt a bit like a scam. “I played a little volleyball,” he said “I was also arrogant at the time. “It was a time when I felt a bit stronger in my shoulders, since I was still young,” he added.

He continued, “When I competed in the London Olympics, almost all of them were older than me. However, I also said something to my sister, saying, ‘Oh, you have to do it, what are you doing?’” she self-revealed and attracted attention.

Kim Yeon-kyung expressed her gratitude, saying, “The reason the sisters were so nice at the time was that they recognized and understood me by saying, ‘You should follow Yeon-kyung because she is good at it,’ so we had good teamwork. If it was me, I would have hated her for being arrogant.”

[사진] ‘Fifteen Nights’ Video

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