
Korea-China-Japan Summit and UAE President Go to to Korea: Key Dates and Agenda

On the twenty sixth, President Yan will maintain bilateral talks with Chinese language Premier Li Chang and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida.

The President of the United Arab Emirates visits Korea on 28 and 29… June 4-5 Korea-Africa Summit

(Seoul = Yonhap Infomax) Reporter Shin Yun-woo = The Korea-China-Japan summit, which shall be attended by President Yoon Seok-yeol, Chinese language Premier Li Chang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, shall be held in Seoul ranging from 26 for two days and 1 evening.

First Deputy Director of the Nationwide Safety Bureau Kim Tae-hyo mentioned in a briefing on the Presidential Workplace in Yongsan on the twenty third: “The ninth Korea-China-Japan summit shall be held in 4 years and 5 months.” with Prime Minister Li Chang and Prime Minister Kishida shall be held in succession on the Presidential Workplace on the twenty sixth, an official welcome dinner shall be held the identical night.

The Korea-China-Japan summit shall be held on the twenty seventh, the place the leaders of the three nations will meet.

After the assembly, they plan to collectively attend the Korea-China-Japan Enterprise Summit, the place every of them will give speeches and encourage entrepreneurs from the three nations who attended the occasion.

Vice Minister Kim mentioned: “As president, our authorities led the discussions to carry the summit.” sensible and future-oriented venture from which the individuals of the three nations will have the ability to profit”. “It is going to be a possibility to provide impetus to cooperation,” he underlined.

Accordingly, the federal government offered six key areas of cooperation to China and Japan, bearing in mind the relevance to individuals’s each day lives and the demand for cooperation between the three nations.

The six areas of cooperation we suggest are: ▲financial and industrial cooperation ▲promotion of sustainable improvement via cooperation in responding to local weather change ▲people-to-people exchanges ▲cooperation in responding to well being and growing older ▲cooperation within the digital transformation of science and expertise ▲cooperation in catastrophe and safety.

The leaders of the three nations intend to debate in-depth cooperation measures in six areas and embody the leads to a joint declaration of the three nations.

Vice Minister Kim mentioned: “Because the joint assertion is the results of the joint willingness of the leaders of the three nations to cooperate, it can turn out to be a driving drive guiding the operation of consultative our bodies at each stage and the implementation of cooperation initiatives within the nation . future”. “There can even be discussions,” he defined.

A senior official from the Presidential Workplace famous: “More often than not on this Korea-China-Japan assembly shall be dedicated to discussing financial and other people’s livelihood relations, cooperation in industrial and industrial provide chains, and methods to revitalize funding and commerce whereas defending information and property rights.” .

In the meantime, in his assembly with Prime Minister Li Chang, President Yoon plans to debate strengthening strategic communication between the 2 nations, increasing financial and commerce cooperation, creating a positive funding setting in China, promotion of interpersonal and cultural exchanges and cooperation. on regional and international points, together with the scenario on the Korean Peninsula.

We intend to change views with Prime Minister Kishida on methods to advertise substantive cooperation between the 2 nations, the scenario on the Korean Peninsula, Korea-US-Japan cooperation, and regional and international cooperation, together with within the Intai area.

Instantly after the Korea-China-Japan Summit, President Yoon meets with United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who’s on a state go to to Korea.

President Muhammad will go to Korea for 2 days ranging from the twenty eighth. This go to is a return go to to President Yoon’s state go to to the United Arab Emirates in January final yr.

President Yoon and President Muhammad will maintain a friendship program and dinner on the twenty eighth, and a summit assembly, signing of an settlement and commerce settlement (MOU), and a state dinner on the twenty ninth.

Vice Minister Kim mentioned: “The UAE is the one key ally among the many Center East nations with which Korea has established a particular strategic partnership.” He added: “The leaders of the 2 nations mentioned the 4 key areas set out in January final yr.” assembly, particularly conventional power, clear power and power for peaceable nuclear energy era.” “We plan to debate particular measures to extend cooperation to the next stage in 4 important areas: economic system, funding, nationwide protection and protection expertise.”

The Korea-Africa summit shall be held on June 4 and 5.

Delegates from greater than 45 nations will go to Korea for the biggest multilateral summit for the reason that starting of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.

Deputy Director Kim mentioned: “This shall be a possibility to strengthen political, financial and social solidarity with African nations and set up sensible and mutually helpful cooperation in varied financial and safety sectors, particularly important minerals, infrastructure, new power and renewable, digital, agriculture, healthcare and tourism”. “It is going to be,” he predicted.

He added: “Via this diplomatic relay, we are going to strengthen the worldwide financial and safety community and additional strengthen the sphere of alternative in order that our firms and residents can absolutely display their capabilities.”

President Yoon Seok-yeol takes a commemorative picture on the ASEAN+3 summit

(Jakarta = Yonhap Information) Reporter Lim Heon-jeong = President Yoon Seok-yeol with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Chinese language Prime Minister Li Chang and Indonesian Joko Widodo on the ASEAN+3 Summit (Korea, China and Japan ) held in Jakarta Conference Middle (JCC) on the sixth (native time). Taking a commemorative picture with the President and others.

From left, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Trinh, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, President Yoon Seok-yeol, Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chinese language Prime Minister Li Chang. 2023.9.6


This text was revealed at 3.12pm on the Infomax monetary data terminal.

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