
Korean Fans’ Respectful Gesture: Picking Up Stadium Litter After Asian Cup Quarter-Finals Win

Fans pick up litter at the stadium after the quarter-finals of the ‘Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Qatar Asian Cup 2023’. [사진출처 = 알카스TV 스포츠]

While Korea secured a come-from-behind victory over Australia in the quarter-finals of the 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup, a local broadcaster’s camera captured Korean fans picking up litter left in the audience after the match.

Regarding this, the Japanese sports media made the absurd claim that “the culture of respect for Japan has spread,” and some people do not hide their discomfort.

On the 4th, the Japanese sports magazine ‘Football Zone’ published an article on the 3rd saying, ‘Japanese culture spread…’ An article titled ‘Korean fans pick up litter in the Asian Cup’ reported on the quarterfinal match between Korea and Australia.

Football Zone presented a video released by local Qatari broadcaster ‘Alkas TV Sports’, saying, “After the match, Korean fans were seen picking up trash in the stadium.”

In a video released by ‘Alcas TV Sports’ via .

Regarding this, Football Zone said, “Japanese fans were often mentioned when discussing litter picking or cleaning up after matches in major tournaments such as the World Cup. “The behavior of the Japanese fans in the stadium was recognized as an example and reported across the world,” he said.

He continued, “This attitude has led to constant compliments like ‘I respect Japanese culture’ and ‘Japanese people are amazing,’ and we can see Japanese culture spreading to fans in other countries, including Korea.”

Netizens who heard the news responded, “It’s funny that people praise themselves for picking up trash by calling it Japanese culture,” and “The effort to keep Japan going is somehow tearful.”

Meanwhile, Korea, who advanced to the semi-finals of the 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup, are scheduled to play the semi-final against Jordan at the Bin Ali Stadium at midnight on the 7th.

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