
Kwak Tube Takes Legal Action Against Malicious Comments on Appearance

Kwak Tube YouTube capture

YouTuber and broadcaster Kwak Tube (Kwak Jun-bin) said he is taking legal action against malicious comments that disparage his appearance.

Kwak Tube broadcast live on YouTube to celebrate his birthday on February 2nd.

Kwak Tube revealed his current status, saying, “I’m not trying to be funny, but I’m on a diet these days.” Also, “Jeon Hyun Moo-hyung and MBN are hosting a new broadcast called ‘Jeon Hyun-moo Plan’. It will be out mid February. It is not a travel program. It is true if we expand the travel category, but the content will be about 70% food. It is a program like ‘Baekban Travel’.. He also announced news about a new program, saying, “It is right to think for.”

In addition, Kwak Tube responded to the ‘Be careful when going out in public’ comment, saying, “I’ve heard that story for 3 years. It’s a really scary story, but after listening to it for 3 years , I wonder how long I’ll keep listening to it. I’m scared too, and the moment that story doesn’t come out. ‘You told me to be careful, right?’ “This is what’s happening, so I think I have to work harder. I think not being able to hear that story will lead to a harder fall.”

She added, “I feel like I’ve been standing on parallel bars for three years. They say I can rest if I feel stressed, but I get more anxious when I stay at home . The way to overcome that anxiety is to go ahead with a new journey or try a new program to overcome the recession.”

When the appearance topic came up, Kwak Tube said, “One of the reasons people watch my broadcast is ‘I’m better than that person.’ Be proud of yourself. Stop saying ‘I’m better than that person’ because you’re You’re better than me, you’re ruining your own self-esteem by crushing me. ” “Don’t post it,” he said.

Also, “I was born this way, but what should I do about the external defects? I overcame it, but it’s sad to hear stories like this. Even though I beat him, I was like, ‘Can I date him?’ “There are too many stories like this, and I think the talk about looks has become too much, and it seems like it has become synonymous with being ugly, but I’ve also been hurt, so I hope not you will raise (your) self-esteem with things like that.”

He said, “These days, the disparagement of appearance is so excessive that it is difficult to listen to it. Those who are too serious have filed complaints, and such matters are handled legally. Not I have filed complaints for most cases, but the appearance problems of sites using real name systems are handled legally.” “I sued him because he humiliated me a lot,” she said.

He continued, “I come from the same background as you, but don’t write (malicious posts). When I was a teenager, I was worried that what I wrote would come back to me, so I didn’t leave such posts. In the past, I left posts out of complacency. “I don’t know what will come back later, so if possible, I shouldn’t do anything that harms others. I live very carefully.”

(Seoul = News 1)

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