
Lava Lamp: The Unlikely Random Code Generator for Cloudflare’s Secure Encryption

Cloudflare An Internet networking company that provides services to improve Internet security through encryption between users and storage servers. It is trusted and used by large organizations around the world. But believe it or not, the randomization system provided by the company uses a lava lamp as a random code generator.

Lava lamp This is a type of home decorative lamp that uses two types of liquids that cannot be mixed together in the same container. Then use heat to move the liquid in the lamp. which is the movement of the liquid inside the lamp Create your own engineer Cloudflare Applied as hard-to-guess random numbers for encryption.

If you explain encryption and how it works. Cloudflare The simplest version is that Cloudflare will act as an intermediary. connect between our computers and the servers of the websites we visit. The system will distribute a series of codes to both sides, which if the two will connect together. The numbers must match. Thus making the criminal unable to hack us down the road.

But with this method Therefore criminals use a method called social engineering to deceive one side of the hack instead of doing it along the way, for example by tricking us into entering our personal code on a fake web page (phishing) and tricking us tricked into installing apps. check phone OR what is affectionately known as a “money sucking app”

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