
Lee Joon-hyuk, tears during ‘You Quiz’ filming “If you say you’re happy, bad things happen”

Reporter Kim Na-yeon | 2023.06.18 18:57

Lee Joon-hyuk / Photo = tvN You Quiz on the Block

Actor Lee Joon-hyuk shed tears during the filming of ‘You Quiz on the Block’.

On the 18th, tvN’s entertainment program ‘You Quiz on the Block’ was ‘Korea’s top 3 villains, Lee Jun-hyuk. From the stories about casting in Crime City 3 to the attitude of glutton,’ a trailer was released.

In the released video, Lee Joon-hyeok revealed a casting anecdote, saying, “It seems like a dream” about the box office success of ‘Crime City 3’, which surpassed 8 million viewers. He said, “Senior Ma Dong-seok called me directly and said, ‘There will be a 3rd episode, would you like to try it?’

Lee Joon-hyeok, who said, “I was going to be very happy if it went well, but I couldn’t yet”, responded to Yoo Jae-seok’s suggestion, “Shout ‘yes’ once, ” and shouted, “It’s good. Let’s go to ‘Sin City 3’.”

In addition, Lee Joon-hyeok said about the most enjoyable moment, “I’m a glutton. I eat six meals a day.” Regarding the most difficult moment as an actor, he said, “If I say ‘I’m happy’, something bad always happens… I always kept it in my heart.

Meanwhile, ‘You Quiz on the Block’ starring Lee Joon-hyuk is broadcast every Wednesday at 8:45pm.

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