
Lee Seo-jin Shares His Daily Exercise and Healthcare Routine at Age 53

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Lee Seo-jin, now 53 years old ⓒ Rebellion

Actor Lee Seo-jin exercises for as much as three hours a day.

Lee Seo-jin, who appeared on the YouTube channel ‘Ttutttung’ on the 1st, shared her daily routine, saying, “I wake up around 9:30 in the morning, laze around for a while, and then go to physical education. doing pilates, aerobic exercise, and getting PT, so I work out for about three hours.”

And then? I’m going to the hospital. He made everyone laugh by saying, “I go to places like dentistry, dermatology, and family medicine to check my condition. If you’re over 50, you definitely have to go to the hospital.”

An important daily routine = exercise ⓒpoopio But something more important than that ⓒpoopio

Lee Seo-jin, who said, after turning 50, “Why does it hurt here?” Suddenly it started to hurt. It’s also because I have unnecessary muscle pain, etc. When asked, “Aren’t you the kind of person who can endure pain even if it hurts?”, He replied, “There are so many hospitals in Korea. “How much do you have to pay for medical insurance? Why are you holding on?”…

ㅠㅠㅠ .. ⓒpopped

He continued, “After you get over 50, your immunity goes down and everything loses elasticity. If you don’t treat it quickly and leave it alone, it gets bigger. In my opinion, there is no need for exercise or skin care when you have People who have been in the hospital a lot and have been there for a long time are the ones who have been there the longest.” “I live,” he added, eliciting sympathy.

Editor Kwak Sang-ah /

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