
Lee Soo-jung “Don’t curse Sim Sang-jung… “Conscientious Democratic Origins”

Sujeong Lee is a professor at the Department of Criminal Psychology at Kyonggi University. Dong-A Ilbo DB

Lee Su-jeong, a professor of criminal psychology at Kyonggi University, urged people not to curse at the Justice Party presidential candidate Shim Sang-jung regarding the results of the 20th presidential election on the 10th.

Professor Lee, who served as the co-chair of the People’s Power Election Countermeasures Committee, said in a Facebook post on the same day, “I pray for the recovery of the conscientious Democratic Party.”

This is the position of some analysts in the analysis that candidate Shim completed the presidential election and the People’s Power President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol won.

The difference between Yoon-elect Yoon (16,394,815 votes) and Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung (16,147,738 votes) is only 247,077, which is less than Shim’s 803,358 votes.

Candidate Shim said at the disbanding ceremony held at the National Assembly building on the same day, “Today’s poor report card is the limit of first-generation progressive politics, which has not finally overcome the barrier of two-party politics, and it is Shim Sang-jung’s responsibility.”

He continued, “The virtue of democratic elections is that the losers win and the winners unite.”

Justice Party presidential candidate Shim Sang-jung leaves the ballot counting room at the Justice Party headquarters in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the 10th. photo co-op

Candidate Shim also said, “Many people have supported us with a desperate heart, but they did not live up to expectations.”

He added, “I had to devote myself to better achievements as I did my last duty, but I feel sorry for my shortcomings, and I’m sorry again,” he said. .

“Although this election had many concerns and twists and turns, it was an election that reaffirmed how frightening the public sentiment is,” he said.

Reporter Jeong Bong-oh