
Lethal Tornadoes Strike United States Midwest, Killing 5 and Injuring Dozens

Supply time2024-05-24 11:20

news article">

(Seoul = Yonhap Information) Highly effective hurricanes occurred one after one other in several components of the right-center of the USA, killing 5 folks and injuring at the least 35 others, inflicting harm one after one other.

In keeping with the Related Press and CNN on the twenty second (native time), a feminine driver driving on a southwest highway died of Greenfield, Iowa the day earlier than, after his car was swept away by a storm.

Iowa authorities mentioned 5 folks, together with this girl, had been killed and at the least 35 injured in tornados that occurred all through the area the day prior to this.

As search and rescue operations proceed, the variety of injured might improve additional.

Iowa governor Kim Reynolds requested the Federal Emergency Administration Company (FEMA) declaring a significant emergency emergency space.

Check out the video.

Produced by: Jiwoong Wang, Hyejeong Byun

Video: Reuters · AFP · X @reedtimmerusa · @AccuWeather

Report by way of KakaoTalk okjebo

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2024/05/24 11:20 Despatched

#영상 #Iowa #USA #destroyed #hurricane #broke #file #reaching #kmh #lifeless