
Lin Zhiping said goodbye to Anzhu Momo and gave a sentimental speech to the fans to win back | Sports | Central News Agency CNA

2024/4/6 22:33 (updated at 4/6 23:06)

On the evening of the 6th, the Chinese Professional Baseball League Rakuten Peach Monkeys went from leading to being reversed at the Taipei Arena to showing resilience. Lin Zhiping (front) hit a bye double in the 9th inning, helping the Peach Monkeys win 9-9. 8 narrowly defeated CITIC Brothers. (Provided by Lotte Peach Monkey Team) Faxed by Central News Agency reporter Yang Qifang, April 6, 113

(Central News Agency reporter Yang Qifang, Taipei, 6th) The Lotte Lotte Taoyuan of the Vocational College went from leading to lagging behind today. Lin Zhiping hit a bye double in the 9th inning, allowing Taoyuan to reverse the victory over CITIC Brothers 9-8. Lin Zhiping said emotionally after the game: “We are a little bumpy at this stage, but we are working hard every day.”

In today’s match at the Taipei Arena, the Peach Monkeys launched an offensive in the first inning. Chen Chenwei, Lin Li, Liang Jiarong, and Zhu Yuxian hit consecutive hits and scored 3 runs; however, the brothers relied on Gao Yujie and Wang Weichen to score in the third inning. He hit second and triple base and recovered 1 run.

The brothers took over the whole game in the 6th inning, scoring 5 points in one breath. In the 7th inning, they continued their firepower and added another 2 points, taking a huge lead of 8-3.

Unexpectedly, Taoyuan launched a counterattack in the 8th inning. After Liang Jiarong received a walk, Zhu Yuxian, Lin Zhiping, Yan Hongjun, and Yu Delong all hit hits, scoring 3 runs to narrow the gap.

In the 9th inning, when there were players on second base and second base, Taoyuan relied on Zhu Yuxian’s double hit to close the gap to only 1 point. Finally, Lin Zhiping hit a 2-RBI reverse double from Wu Junwei to say goodbye to his opponent. 9 to 8 to win.

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Lin Zhiping, who had a bye hit, had 2 hits in 5 at-bats, 3 RBIs and 1 run, and was selected as the single-game MVP. Talking about the final at-bat, Lin Zhiping said in an interview with the host: “Actually, when I came up, I was quite concerned about the first at-bat (strikeout), but in the last time I told myself, just hit the ball well and don’t think about the result.”

The Peach Monkeys have had a rough start to the season, with 2 wins and 3 losses in 5 games. However, Lin Zhiping said emotionally to the fans: “We are a little bumpy at this stage, but our players are working hard and are well prepared before every game. , although it may not go well sometimes, I hope the fans can wait patiently and we will break through this bumpy journey.” (Editor: Long Bo’an) 1130406

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