
Lulu Mini Mall in Kottayam by next March; 30,000 square metres, two floors of parking spaces, 10 food outlets…

The construction of the Lulu Mini Mall, which is being built by Lulu Group on MC road near the Kottayam-Nattakam Manipuzha junction, is progressing rapidly. The center is being built with an emphasis on supermarkets. The aim is to complete the construction work by December and establish it by March next year.

The 30,000 square meter building has two floors below for parking. There is parking space for around 500 cars and more than two wheels. There will be a food court with 500 seats and 10 food outlets. An area of ​​800 square meters has been converted for games and other entertainment.

English summary: Lulu Mini Mall in Kottayam by next March
