
Malayalam News – Home movie review | Home: Go Home, Family | Read home movie review Indrans Manju Pillai Sreenath BHasi Naslen | News18 Kerala, Film Latest Malayalam News

How are you in your home? Have you ever introspected on your own view of your own home? Each house, its occupants, and the stories and relationships within it are incomparable.

‘Home’ is the story of Oliver Twist and his wife’s mother-in-law. Oliver Twist is the name given to a son by a father who is passionate about the literary world. In addition to Oliver and his wife, the homeowner’s elderly father and his two children live in the house.

Life is not ‘extra-ordinary’, Indrans plays the role of Oliver, a ‘technology-challenged’ middle-aged man who fulfills his duties, and Manju Pillai plays the role of a mother who fulfills her responsibilities by muttering her own worries from time to time.

Antony (Srinath Bhasi), the eldest son, lives in a tidal wave between completing the new script and his own marriage. Life in the world of the youngest son Charles (Nazlan), the representative of the new generation, has no immediate goals beyond how to tell the natives through Instagram stories. The house would be complete if Oliver’s father (Kainakari Thankaraj) also became a mute witness with a slight dementia.

From the children’s point of view, Oliver is a householder who does not move with the times. He is the protagonist. With the arrival of the eldest son, who lives far away, with the aim of writing a new screenplay, the film focuses on family matters and the adult’s mental affairs.

Anthony’s father, who owns a vegetable garden on the roof of his house and owns a closed old cassette shop, who does not even have a smartphone, or even realize what a miracle it is, is quite old – fashioned with his’successful daddy ‘who is going to be his father – in – law. The father, who has nothing ‘extra-ordinary’ in life, says this son is ‘old-fashioned’. He does not even have the patience to listen to the words of that ‘old man’.

For Oliver Twist, a responsible son and representative of another generation, the pain of leaving his own son in a state of unconsciousness is not trivial. Oliver tries his best not to let it get in the way of his words or actions. As if even the wife is compelled not to know it.

Ordinary father Oliver, who feels no great surprise to onlookers, decides to try to find the ‘extra-ordinary’ in his life by asking questions from his son. From there, the story travels in search of twists and turns.

Indrans, who was introduced to the audience as a comedian, can put Oliver Twist at the forefront of the brilliant character roles he has recently introduced. Indrans made every opportunity he got to show the actor live without acting in front of the camera. The expressions on his face on many occasions are capable of measuring the film. Indrans and Manju Pillai fill the screen as representatives of a couple from middle class families.

The humorous moments that Johnny Anthony gives to Oliver’s friend Sun are fun. If Oliver is someone who doesn’t even have a smartphone, Sun’s life is with the barriers of what happened.

In his third film, Rojin Thomas, the creator of ‘Phillips and the Monkey Pen’, portrays a stunning view of how a building made of brick, cement, and wire, painted and filled with furniture, can be built.

The camera is the mainstay of the technical department, capturing the harmony, strife, energy, laziness, despair and sighing inside this house like a beautiful canvas. Neil d. Here is a summary of the work done by Kunja as the Photographer and Creative Director.

Even the music is arranged in such a way as to evoke the movements of this house.

In the world of Malayalam cinema, which is full of experiments and observations, those who are looking for a family film can enjoy a rich feel-good feast at this house during Onam.

‘Home’ continues to be on display on Amazon Prime.
