
María Fernanda was attacked by a bull shark while saving her son

A bull shark would have been the one that attacked María Fernanda Martínez Jiménez and tore off one of her limbs, causing her death. The young mother managed to save her son Dylan.

What are the characteristics of the bull shark?

This type of shark is incredibly agile in the water. It reaches speeds of up to 20 km per hour, to give you an idea, if compared to the Olympic champion Michael Phelps, who reaches a maximum speed of 9.6 kilometers per hour.

He bull shark It reaches a maximum length of 3.40 meters and, depending on its age, weighs between 90 and 230 kilograms.

Bull shark attack on María Fernanda confirmed

He father of María Fernanda confirmed that his daughter was attacked by a shark. “When they tried to help her, they couldn’t find her and they saw how the shark had attacked her,” she said during her funeral. “They found her meters later, but already lifeless,” she stressed.

Bull shark was very close to the beach where it attacked María Fernanda

María Fernanda’s father regretted being part of the statistics

“It’s very sad because this wouldn’t have happened,” he said. “No one likes to be part of the statistics, but… On this beach they say it’s the first time it’s happened, but it was too close to the beach.”

What authorities say about the bull shark attack

This extraordinary event was the product of a sum of biological factors and environmental conditions that generated the possible favorable conditions that resulted in the unfortunate event, and which are:


Decrease in sea temperature Cloudiness Calm sea

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Schools of fish as potential prey Sea turtle as a species that is part of the diet of this shark species (reproductive season and spawning)

These factors support a scientific basis that exposes this fact as a fortuitous event since there is no history of this type of attacks in the region.

Concluding that this information will be sent for investigation to the international shark attack archive, which will be analyzed to identify the factors that could have intervened in the event in order to prevent these attacks.

