
Mauricio Vila leads the list of governors with the highest approval in Mexico

An extensive analysis by the firm Massive Caller released its results regarding the monthly measurement of the performance of the Governors in Mexico. The PAN governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Vila Dosal with 70.1% in the top 10 approval.

Regarding the measurement of the month of July, the Yucatecan president rose in approval level since in said period he had 67.3%.

Other state officials who are in the top 10 approval son:

Tere Jimenez of Aguascalientes with 66.5%
Samuel García from Nuevo León with 61.2%
Mariana Ávila from Baja California with 60.1%
Diego Sinhue from Guanajuato with 56.5%

Regarding the top 10 of confidence, there is also Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who until a few months ago was in charge of the Government of Mexico City.

Regarding lower perception of insecurity, once again the governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Vila, stands out in place 1.
