
Mauritania is elected to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Baby Sahara Media

Right now, Thursday, New York noticed the election of Mauritania to the membership of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Baby for the interval between 2025 and 2029, in the course of the work of the 20th session of states events to the United Nations Conference on the Rights of the Baby.

The Ministry of International Affairs of Mauritania introduced that the Mauritanian candidate, Zainab Taleb Moussa, obtained 142 votes, successful first place amongst 17 candidates for membership within the committee.

The Ministry of International Affairs mentioned this achievement was “a brand new addition to the report of diplomatic successes that Mauritania has achieved just lately because of its energetic and efficient diplomacy.”

The Committee on the Rights of the Baby was established in 1991, following the adoption of the Conference on the Rights of the Baby in 1989, and works to watch the implementation of the Conference by States Events, to make sure that youngsters’s rights are protected.

The Committee holds periodic conferences to assessment the reviews of States events and points suggestions to enhance the implementation of the Conference. It additionally receives complaints about violations of youngsters’s rights, and the members of the Committee are elected each 4 years by the States Events.