
Mid-Autumn Vegetarian BBQ Oil-free, Smoke-free, No Burden, Good Food, Fresh and Healthy | Fan News

Lamb pepper ~ is a kind of vegetable which is a bit spicy but not too spicy. This green vegetable looks like a small green pepper and a bit like a green chili. It has a crisp taste and is rich in capsaicin but not too spicy. The appearance looks like glutinous rice intestines, also called “glutinous rice peppers.” Rich in “capsaicin” can stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, increase its metabolic rate and reduce fat accumulation. It is known as the holy product for weight loss and is a good partner after tasting moon cakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It also contains OMEGA-3, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin C, and β-carotene. Vitamin C can increase resistance and vitamin D can promote bone development. It also has high fiber and low calorie content. It is a holy product for women who love beauty but are afraid of spicy food. More β-carotene can protect the skin and protect the eyes. There are more nutrients that modern people need very much. It is also a good ingredient for home vegetarian barbecue during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The epidemic has messed up the Mid-Autumn Festival. The home cooks self-cooked vegetarian barbecue, which is oil-free and smoke-free, and healthy~

Ingredients: croissant pepper, bamboo shoots, hericium erinaceus, spiced dried bean curd, lemon pepper

Method: 1. Wash the horn pepper and cut into inch sections for use. 2. Remove the skin of the corn shoots, wash and cut into inch sections for use. 3. Dry the spiced beans and cut diagonally for use. 4. Wash the hericium edodes for use. 5. Use the ingredients Put the bamboo skewers on skewers, put them in a dry pan and bake them before they can be eaten according to the scene~ No oil, no smoke, no burden, good food and good freshness~

Recipe provided / Xu Meihui