
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Signals Potential Resumption of Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway Project

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shocked everyone by releasing all data from the past seven years regarding the suspected preferential treatment on the Seoul-Yangpyeong expressway. However, they stated that the cancellation statement was merely a form of shock therapy, indicating that there may still be room to resume business.

With pending questions in the National Assembly, the ruling and opposition parties are engaged in a fierce battle to win public opinion. Correspondent Kim Ji-sook provides further details.

Minister Won Hee-ryong made another appearance on YouTube to refute the opposition’s suspicion of preferential treatment. However, he did leave room for some concessions to be made.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also seems to be taking a step back by stating that the cancellation statement is just a form of shock therapy. In response to opposition member’s questions, Minister Won stated that it is possible to resume the project depending on changes in circumstances, but it is not yet at the stage of discussing administrative procedures for cancellation.

A day prior to this, the Ministry also released data for the past seven years, allowing the public to directly assess it. The report highlighted the improvements made in the feasibility study, particularly in terms of environmental and economic feasibility. However, it was noted that alternatives needed to be considered based on the preliminary feasibility study report.

Notably, six regions were nominated as potential candidates for changing the end point, but Sang-myeon Gang remained the favored choice based on the current investigation.

With pending questions in the National Assembly just two days away, the opposition parties are fiercely combating public opinion. Kim Jeong-jae of the ruling party expressed hope that the project can quickly resume after addressing any doubts raised by the released data, while Kim Du-gwan of the opposition party criticized the minister’s unilateral decision, stating that it is illegal.

The Democratic Party believes that if the government fails to provide a responsible answer to the allegations, an investigation will inevitably take place. It is clear that the people’s will and power are unwavering, and they will not accept the government’s actions.

This has been KBS News Kim Ji-sook.

Video editing: Han Chan-eui
Graphics: Kim Ji-hoon

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The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which released all data for the past seven years regarding the suspected preferential treatment on the Seoul-Yangpyeong expressway, showed room to resume business, saying the cancellation statement was shock therapy.

The ruling and opposition parties are involved in a fierce battle between public opinion before questions are pending in the National Assembly.

Correspondent Kim Ji-sook reports.


Minister Won Hee-ryong appeared on YouTube again.

It refuted the opposition’s suspicion of preferential treatment, but left room for the summit.

[원희룡/국토교통부 장관 : “부득이하게 백지화를 결정하게 되었습니다. 저야말로 서울~양평고속도로 사업이 하루속히 정쟁과 괴담에서 벗어나 정상 추진되기를 바라는 입장입니다.”]

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also appears to be taking a step back, saying the cancellation statement is shock therapy.

Regarding the opposition member’s question, he replied, “It is possible to resume depending on the change in circumstances,” and “It is not at the stage of discussing administrative procedures for cancellation.”

A day earlier, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs released data for the past seven years, asking the public to check it directly.

The improvement from the feasibility study came out based on four grounds, such as environmental and economic feasibility, and it was written that alternatives needed to be reviewed in the preliminary feasibility study report prepared earlier.

In particular, he said that six regions had been nominated as candidates for changing the end point, and that there was no change in the position that Sang-myeon Gang was the best option based on the results of the investigation so far.

Before the questioning on matters pending in the National Assembly, which will be held two days later, the opposition parties fought fiercely against public opinion.

[김정재/국민의힘 국회 국토위원 : “(자료가) 공개가 다 됐으니까 충분히 의혹을 풀고 어떡해서든 주민분들의 의견을 듣고 전문가들의 의견을 들어서 이 사업이 조속히 다시 재개될 수 있기를 희망하고 있습니다.”]

[김두관/더불어민주당 국회 국토위원 : “무슨 말 못 할 사정이 있길래 1조 8천억 원이나 투입되는 국책사업을 장관 말 한마디로 중단한단 말입니까. 전면 백지화 선언은 엄연한 불법입니다.”]

The Democratic Party is in a position where an investigation by the government is inevitable if there is no responsible answer to the allegations, and the power of the people makes it clear that the government cannot accept it.

This is KBS News Kim Ji-sook.

Video editing: Han Chan-eui/Graphics: Kim Ji-hoon

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