
Miraculous Survival: Man Survives 1m Iron Rod Penetrating His Perineum

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The case of a man who survived after a 1m long iron rod penetrated his perineum, bypassing his heart, was reported, making headlines.

According to foreign media outlets such as The Sun in the UK on the 6th (local time), a 57-year-old man working on a construction site in the Brazilian state of Paraná slipped from scaffolding (a temporary structure placed on a construction site) and fell onto a pillar 5 meters high.

When he was taken to hospital, his heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels were all stable, but a CT scan showed that a metal rod about 1 meter long had penetrated his abdomen and chest cavity.

According to the results of the examination, when Mr. And, the iron bar pierced his perineum (between the scrotum and the anus), penetrated his body, and caused damage to his prostate and bladder.

However, it only penetrated as far as the front of the diaphragm (the muscular membrane that divides the chest and stomach), so fortunately it did not invade the pericardium (the membrane around the heart) and only applied external pressure .

It was confirmed that the iron rod penetrated the man’s groin and rose to the top of the diaphragm, narrowly missing the heart.

The medical staff immediately performed emergency surgery to remove damaged tissue and iron rods through a sternotomy, a cut in the sternum (breast bone), and stitch up the wound.

After surgery, the man recovered and was moved to a general ward three days later.

This case was published in the journal ‘International Journal of Surgery Case Report’.

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